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  1. chrisg1904

    Standard Zoroark Greninja Tag Team GX

    Wait until Weavile GX comes out.
  2. chrisg1904

    Standard Lightning Speed (Tapu Koko GX & Zeraora GX)

    Sorry it took a while for me to get back to you. It's been a crazy weekend and work week so far. Deck #2 has only made it into play testing, and never seen any competitive play. Since I have been able to incorporate Aether Paradise... into Deck#1, I have stuck to this deck since I played with...
  3. chrisg1904

    Standard Lightning Speed (Tapu Koko GX & Zeraora GX)

    I've test over the weekend. No tournament but against a lot of decks. Still using Deck #1, I think there's a way to add 2x Aether Paradise to Deck #1 without giving up too much. Overall, I am really enjoying this deck. Turn 1 set up, Turn 2 onwards are all explosive! Current Pokemon line up: 3x...
  4. chrisg1904

    Standard Lightning Speed (Tapu Koko GX & Zeraora GX)

    I'm finding it that you want to have your bench: Tapu Lele, Zeraora, at least two Naganadel, and the last spot is for another Koko; if three Nagandel, you want the second Koko in hand. Shuckle is good for the ability, but it is useless after you put it down. I am thinking of putting in 4-4...
  5. chrisg1904

    Standard Lightning Speed (Tapu Koko GX & Zeraora GX)

    Before Lost Thunder even came out, I searched for good Lightning Pokemon to go with Zeraora. I knew Apu Koko GX was going to be good with Zeraora, and I thought about how it can be used with Wishful Baton. Maybe Electropower can be used with Volkner. The thing is, without the Naganadel, you...
  6. chrisg1904

    Standard Glaceon /Zoroark Deck

    After testing, we have determined 2-2 Quagsire is too much. It's not necessary, and she was having a hard time getting Zoroark out at 2-2. 1-1 Quagsire 3-3 Zoroark GX -1 Lusamine +1 Nest Ball This is the to update the Original post. @Shameshame - I believe she might have switched the 4th...
  7. chrisg1904

    Standard Zoroark-Shiftry

    I've actually been working on a Shiftry/Zoroark Deck. I can tell you for certain that Marshadow isn't needed in this deck. Copycat seems to be good at 3-4, and Judge is secondary and can be used at 2. Have you ever considered Magcargo? I considered a Line up like this for myself: 2x Shiftry GX...
  8. chrisg1904

    Standard Glaceon /Zoroark Deck

    Hello All!! Posting my girl's deck, because she'd like some help after she saw how much of a help you all have been with my GreninjArk. Shout out to @Articuno_Aria for the helpful tips on his/her post. Glaceon Zoroark Deck: 3x Glaceon GX 3x Eevee (SM Base Set) 2x Zoroark GX 2x Zorua 2x Tapu...
  9. chrisg1904

    Standard Frozen Foxes (Glaceon GX/Alolan Ninetales)

    @Articuno_Aria - For sure!! I'll be sure to tag you when I post my girl's deck up. I like to get feedback from the forum on everyone's thoughts, then come back after a weekend tournament and give an update for everyone. Thanks!
  10. chrisg1904

    Standard GreninjArk GX

    @XCITE - I don't think I want to run max 4-4 Zoroark line. Also I will address the Enhanced Hammers with Shikageru. The 3 Aqua Patch is a lot. I do want 2, but I can definitely find a slot for something else to replace the third one. @Shikageru - To answer your initial question: I have played...
  11. chrisg1904

    Standard Frozen Foxes (Glaceon GX/Alolan Ninetales)

    Any new updates for this deck? I just looked up if anyone was trying this out just today. Reason is my girl is running something similar to this deck which is including the new Dragon Majesty's Quagsire. I see Quagsire really helping moving energies around as needed to make attacks. Quagsire &...
  12. chrisg1904

    Standard GreninjArk GX

    *UPDATE*: After further testing with @AlphaVoxel's comments, GreninjaArk Deck #3 is the current deck I'm running. This is probably the fastest it's run without any problems of slowing down. I never liked N at 4, and I feel the same with Cynthia. Lillie at 2, in case one falls into prizes. I...
  13. chrisg1904

    Standard GreninjArk GX

    Thank you for having me, haha! My Fiance runs Alolan Ninetales GX deck or her current ZoroGlaceon deck. In play testing, I get shut down by Glaceon, can't do much but just put damage out against it. Deck#2 slows down the most against a Glaceon deck. Thank you for your thoughts on Cyrus. If...
  14. chrisg1904

    Standard GreninjArk GX

    Hello All! This is my first post in a PTCG forum. I'm a long time Yu-Gi-Oh! player, and I moved over to PTCG because this game has brought me and my fiance together. I have two different builds for this Greninja GX / Zoroark GX decks. Please comment with positive criticism and help me make this...