Uberchu is about 10 times bigger than you so you couldn't throw him. Then you were crushed under his weight.
I capture uberchu in a masterball, painted him into the shape of a pokeblock, and fed it to Snorelax.
Deoxys = Deoxyribonucleic acid
The double helix arms give it away too.
Regi = king in Latin
Do the math for Regirock, Regice, and registeel. Regigigas = King of Giants.
Most of the pokemon names I know are too obvious to mention.
Kids by this age are more exposed to the anime then the games. There are also those that don't play video games at all. People are more interested in the X-box 360 and PS3 than the Wii (but more importantly, the DS and other handhelds). They never played the games like Gold or Silver and...
The anime needs actual plot. Thats all that it really needs. Brock is an excellent character IMO and I see nothing wrong with him. I do question if he is a main character or a supporting character.
The anime is at least 90% filler excluding eps where Ash and friends are either training their...