What would YOU do with the anime?

Could the anime be better?

  • No way, its fine the way it is

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Well some areas could be improved

    Votes: 14 58.3%
  • Yes!

    Votes: 10 41.7%

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So I heard you like muDkiPz!
If you were had the chance to make the anime better what would you do? If your like me you think the anime is actually quite bad you should like this thread.

I would have:
- Some romance
- Less fillers
- More plaot twists
- Jessie, James, Meowth and Brock get a life
Romance would make the show a lot more interesting.
I'd also add more action and make Team Rocket cooler.
meowth14 said:
Romance would make the show a lot more interesting.
I'd also add more action and make Team Rocket cooler.

I'd do the same thing and more. I'd hire the old actors back, less fillers, and most importantly show it more often. It feels like they only show it on Saturdays.
I like DogMaster's idea. XD

I suppose I might have more 2-episode long events, and more Butch + Cassidy. (just because they're still Team Rocket, and we don't have that annoying theme... poem.)

Oh, and I'd bring James' Chimecho back :>
Gamefreak734 said:
- Jessie, James, Meowth and Brock get a life
These people are the major problems. Team Rocket is nothing but lame. They need to actually steal the stinkin' Pikachu for once. And Brock being some kind of pervert that falls in love with every girl...it just doesn't work. Ash is also weird, and the other people that they throw in.
Scampy's top five...

5) Get rid of Brock. Seriously.
4) Let Team *insert name here* actually accomplish something for once. It's never exciting when the good guys always win.
3) Less uberchu.
2) More uberzard.

And last but not least...

1) Stop. Trading. Away. Your. Awesome. Stuff. Ash. :[
To be honest, I'd rather completely redo the whole thing. Have the guy from RBY as the main character, have OTHER important characters travelling alone too, give it a deeper plot, and stick to the games more. However, if we have to stick to the main thing:

Make Ash actually get half decent pokemon
Make the battles less stupid
Let TR actually do something that ultimately changes the course of the story, instead of just failing to steal Pikachu/Steal it and have it taken back 5 minutes later
I would put Pokemon Trainer Red in the storyline and have him travel with Ash for a while seeing as how they both live in Pallet Town it could be very simple and they actually could meet each other and even have battles but from my personal point of view I actually prefered it when they went through Kanto and Jhoto but that could just be because there were alot more gaps between towns.
Do the battle competitive style. That would be funny listening to Ash forming strateies in his head and trying to predict his opponents. =P

Oh yeah, and have a story of some kind. With deaths and such. I dunno, I might just base it off PMJ's fanfic. =P

And get that dang Pikachu a Light Orb!
The anime needs actual plot. Thats all that it really needs. Brock is an excellent character IMO and I see nothing wrong with him. I do question if he is a main character or a supporting character.

The anime is at least 90% filler excluding eps where Ash and friends are either training their pokemon, a pokemon contest occurs, a Gym battle occurs, a new pokemon is caught to add to the team.

These eps are actually helpful in order for Ash and friends to achieve their goal (Pokemon master, Coordinator, Breeder, etc.) Which is the whole reason for the anime in the first place.

Some things I would change is:

- make Team Rocket (and other teams) more intelligent [mostly Jessie, James, and Meowth though <.<]
- team rocket needs to appear less.
- Make a filler episode involving Misty, May, and Dawn together in one episode :3
- Never let anything like this happen ever again. EVER!

DogMaster40 said:
Cancel the old anime, and come back with a completely new one with a story closer to that of the manga.

Which manga? Your post almost makes it sound as if the anime is based on a manga, which it isn't.

Sonic Game Master said:
I would put Pokemon Trainer Red in the storyline and have him travel with Ash for a while seeing as how they both live in Pallet Town it could be very simple and they actually could meet each other and even have battles but from my personal point of view I actually prefered it when they went through Kanto and Jhoto but that could just be because there were alot more gaps between towns.

Red and Ash are counterparts, so this isn't possible. They can't both exist in the same universe.

Anyway, I have little complaints about the anime myself, I like the current formula just fine.

But if I could change anything, I'd like openings and endings to be at least slightly more frequent. Also, I'd reduce the amount of fillers, that's not to say fillers can't be interesting, but I think there needs to be a bit less dragging out of the main story.

Lastly though, while I understand the Pokemon anime runs on a tight schedule like many other weekly anime out there I can't help but wish they'd spend a little extra time on certain scenes. At times the animation could use a bit more clean up, although the overall animation quality is typically determined by which animation director is on the job at the time *coughKinoshitacough* but regardless, the animation could use some sprucing up at times. At least in the main series, movies and specials are always beautifully animated.
How come everybody is complaining about fillers? The Sinnoh-episodes have the least fillers ever. >:

The one thing I want from the animé now is an all-out epic battle against Team Galactic on Spear Pillar! After a just as epic Rescue the pixies-arc.

My random ideas for the arcs (contains spoilers from the animé and Platina, I guess):

- Ash & Co. arrive in Snowpoint.
- Ash spends an episode or two battling Candice.
- Insert a random filler here.
- Afterwards, Lake Valor blows up! : D
- Ash & Co. hurry back to Lake Valor.
- Meanwhile, Jun (who was training in the Snowpoint Temple) finds out that the Lake near Snowpoint is somehow connected to Lake Valor, and goes there to investigate.
- Jun arrives to find Jupiter and a Pokémon Hunter, who captures Uxie.
- Jun battles Jupiter, but loses. Jupiter and the Pokémon Hunter flies off to Veilstone with Uxie.
- Ash & Co. arrive at Lake Valor, and finds Saturn there with a Pokémon Hunter. Saturn and the Pokémon Hunter flies off with Azelf before Ash & Co. can do anything.
- Prof. Rowan appears and tells Ash & Co. to travel to Lake Verity.
- Ash & Co. arrives at Lake Verity, and find Mars and Pokémon Hunter J there, ready to capture Mesprit.
- Mesprit runs away when Ash & Co. distracts Mars and Hunter J.
- Ash & Co. battles Mars and Hunter J, but Mesprit is captured and Mars and Hunter J flies off.
- Ash & Co. travels to Veilstone, and meets Jun there.
- Ash & Co. (with Jun) is about to go inside Team Galactic's HQ when they are stopped by "Handsome" (Looker sounds so failureish, so I'll use "Handsome" instead).
- Ash & Co. (with Jun and "Handsome") dresses up as Galactic members and makes their way to Cyrus' office.
- Ash & Co. (with Jun and "Handsome") finds Cyrus.
- Ash & Co. recognizes Cyrus as the friend of Cynthia's Grandma, and are shocked to find out that he's the boss of Team Galactic.
- Cyrus escapes through a warp panel after talking about their plan for a bit.
- Ash & Co. (with Jun ("Handsome" left through the same warp panel as Cyrus)) finds Mesprit, Azelf and Uxie, and releases them.
- Oh, and insert a couple of Pluto(/Charon)-sightings in the TG HQ.

- Ash & Co. (with Jun) starts searching for the Spear Pillar on Mt. Coronet.
- Insert a random filler here.
- Ash & Co. (with Jun) finds the entrance cave to the Spear Pillar.
- The cave Ash & Co. (with Jun) was going through suddenly split into three tunnels.
- Croagunk pokes Jun (who has been complaining about losing to Jupiter for quite some time) and points at one of the tunnels, before wandering off into another.
- Jun says that they should split up, and heads off into the tunnel Croagunk was pointing at.
- Brock follows Croagunk.
- Ash and Dawn heads of into the last tunnel.
- Jun arrives at an area filled with ruins, and meets Jupiter.
- Jun starts battling Jupiter.
- Brock arrives at a similar area, and meets Saturn.
- Croagunk and Toxicroak starts battling immediately.
- Croagunk gets punched into a pillar, which collapses.
- Croagunk manages to escape from certain death :) D) by learning Dig.
- Croagunk defeats Saturn's Toxicroak after a long battle.
- Croagunk evolves!
- Saturn flies off with a helicopter.
- Jun defeats Jupiter (we don't get to see the battle).
- Jupiter runs off.
- Ash and Dawn arrives at a larger area with ruins, and meets Mars there. She tells them Cyrus went on ahead.
- Dawn starts battling Mars, allowing Ash to pass by and follow Cyrus.
- Dawn defeats Mars' Bronzor with her Ambipom ('cause it rocks!)
- Mars defeats Ambipom with her Purugly.
- Mars defeats Dawn's Piplup with Purugly.
- Dawn defeats Mars' Purugly with Mamoswine.
- Dawn retreats Mamoswine before she's killed by it.
- Jupiter arrives to find Mars defeated.
- Ash arrives to find Cyrus, who summons Dialga and Palkia.
- Uxie, Azelf and Mesprit travels to the Spear Pillar.
- Ash starts battling Cyrus.
- The battle is interrupted by Giratina.
- Cyrus is dragged into the Distortion World.
- Mars and Jupiter arrives to find Cyrus gone, and escapes in a helicopter.
- Brock, Jun and Dawn meets Ash, who has no idea what's going on.
- Cynthia arrives and tells Ash & Co. (and Jun) about the Distortion World.
- Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf flies into the portal to the Distortion World.
- Cynthia enters the Distortion World with Ash & Co. (and Jun.)
- Insert an episode or two about Ash & Co. (and Jun and Cynthia) travelling through the Distortion World.
- Ash & Co. (with Jun and Cynthia) finds Cyrus.
- Ash and Cynthia battles Cyrus.
- Cyrus is defeated after a long battle.
- Giratina let's Ash & Co. (and Jun and Cynthia) leave after listening to Cynthia (who says something randomish).
- Cyrus decides to stay in the Distortion World.
- Happy endingish stuff happens.
- Ash & Co. travels towards Sunyshore.

: D

Or something like that. Yeah.
I agree with Pee Am Jay >:[

Either that or scrap it all-together, lol
Make the plot better:

Ash and the gang are going to go and get thei next gym badge.

Encounters a mysterious man. Which needs help.

The man happens to be the gym leader.=O

Pickachu kills them.

Then it's all happy and then nect episode Ash might battle the gym lader.

Tajts what basically happens!
Oh. There's another thing I'd do as well.

He sounds like crap. ;_;
The original voice was (at least) 12804029 times better.
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