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  1. b6i6o6

    Help Is this card fake ?

    How can you tell it is fake? I can easily spot any fake card from the very old editions, but this one being newer I could not tell it was fake and I'd like to learn what I should be looking for, thanks!
  2. b6i6o6

    Help Clarifying some cards attacks

    You can choose the Pokémon to which you want to apply the damage. AFAIK there is no card that targets a Pokémon at random. Some cards like that have existed back in the days in the GameBoy TCG game because the game itself is able to decide at random, but those effects were all changed for the...
  3. b6i6o6

    Celebration Fanfare Promo Revealed for 2024 Season!

    Nothing like that in US or EU? :(
  4. b6i6o6

    Help Question about Versatile ability

    The wording of Murkrow's Mean Look actually means "this Pokémon" as per the compendium:
  5. b6i6o6

    The Evolution of Gardevoir ex

    To be fair the prize is definitely crazy, yes. If it were like 5 euros/dollars per month I would subscribe for a full year (which is not even an option by the way?), but currently the price is more than double what I would be willing to pay. I tried the subscription this week and, while the...