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  1. G

    (5) Product Images, Supreme Victors, Arceus Plushes, Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8-6

    The best packs i have ever seen till now! The Garchomp one is my favorite! And the tins looks pretty sick too! I cant wait until its release date! The name is ok, but i'll get used to it, like RR.
  2. G

    (2) HeartGold SoulSilver Box Art, Jirachi / Scramble Promotion McDonalds [6/11]

    The box art looks awesome, Ho-oh looks sweet with all the gold around him, but im still going to get SoulSilver :)
  3. G

    (1) 100+ 'Rising Rivals' Scans! [5/8]

    Cool, cant wait for the release of the set. Im having the japanese Darkrai G, so i dont mind having a english one :)
  4. G

    (2) Movie 12 Plot Info, 'The Advent of Arceus' [4/14]

    Two Arceus Lv.X! Cant wait to see the scans of the cards! ANOTHER Dialga and Palkia Lv.X? Gee, im really mad if they are going to make another lv.x of them.
  5. G

    (1) Rising Rivals Prerelease Sleeve and Promo [4/10]

    Sweet Garchomp! Tropius is awesome too, but i expected another pre-release card tough.
  6. G

    (2) State Championship Strat Article, Rising Rivals: Next English Set [3/20]

    Snorlax Lv.X could indeed fit in that place, but dont forget that there still is a promo Palkia Lv.X from the Intensive Fight Destroyed Sky japanese blister pack.
  7. G

    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. 2 Packs of PT. 1st: Dialga G Lv.X Second: Reprint Hitmonchan Great pulls