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    Lucario and The Mystery of Mew & MOMP Discussion Thread

    For those who purchased the 2 disc DVD of "Lucario and The Mystery of Mew" this thread is to discuss it and to share your opinions. "Lucario and The Mystery of Mew' is the 8th film and the last one done by 4Kids. Sadley its also the last we'll hear of the original Va's. So when you see this...
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    CN Airing Encores of Pokemon Battle Frontier Every Sunday

    Since CN decided not air reruns of Pokemon Battle Frontier on Saturdays, they chose a new day. Every Sunday at 5:00 for a full hour they will air the encores. Starting this Sunday (9-17) with "Fear Factor Phony" and "Sweet Baby James" so if you missed them before now is the time to catch them.
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    Brock Staying in D/P!

    To avoid confusion with my other thread, here you can discuss why they brought Brock back, what he'll do, and your opinion of his new clothes. I think its a great change and I hope he does more breeding in D/P, or anything for that matter. Here a pic...
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    Who Will You Miss The Most? May or Max?

    If you don't want to be spoiled for season 10 stop reading! Ok fair warning. Anyway who will you miss the most? For me it definetly will be May followed by Brock than Max. EDIT: on an offial Japanese website Brock is scene with Ash and Hikari. Pics are on the main page. So now my order will...
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    Saturday (9-16) is The Last Airing of Pokémon on Kids WB! (With A Hidden Message?)

    Yup do to contrary belief this Saturday is the final airing on Kids Wb. The episodes of course will be the last 4Kids dubbed episodes "A Hurdle For Squirtle" and "Pasta LaVista". If you've missed them nows the perfect time to see them. Also as an easter egg surprise in the final episode Pasta...
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    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Team Go-Getters Out of The Gate

    Before you ask that's the real title. And the special is premiering Friday on CN. From what's been released the plot is about a boy who's turned into a Squirtle. I've seen the commercial for this special and I don't like it. The voices are just not right, espicially Squirtles voice who's done...
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    Brother Bear 2 A Good Sequel?

    I just got it yesterday and saw it. I can honestly say I love this movie! I thought I would be a little dissapointed but I wasn't. If you love the original you'll love this one for sure. Discuss :D
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    New Voice Actors Discussion

    In one week season 9 premieres and the hot topic of course will be discussing the new voice actors. So until than discuss what you thought of the new Battle Frontier promo. I saw it and thought was a mix bag, Ash's first lines sounded to much like Richie, ie "Pickachu use thunder" it was just...
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    Pokemon Season One Cover Art!

    They finally revealed it! Its not as great as I had hoped, but its still cool. Containing the first 26 episodes its a Pokemon collectable. Source Amazon
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    Do I Hear a Ralt's

    Airing this Monday on CN its one of the best episodes ever from 4Kids. If you've never seen it make sure you don't miss it this time. If you have seen it what did you like best out of this episode? I loved the ending song it just made that scene work. Discuss..
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    Pokemon Season 9 News!! (updated)

    Hi All, Some news you might be interested in hearing: (source Serebii/Toon Zone) It seems that a few Dub titles have been revealed for the new 9th season and the guess what? The puns are still there AG 147 "Psychic vs. Ghost! The Midnight Duel!?" PokéBeach Forums 001 "Fear Factor Phony" AG 148...
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    What Do You Think of Chronicles So Far?

    So what do you think of this spin-off series so far? For ME personally I don't like it very much. 4Kids really messed this series up. One of my many complaints is how they changed the sex of Hun from the 3 parter of "The Legend of Thunder", and so much more but ill leave the rest for you guys ^_^