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  1. Nutter87

    Just when you thought Disney couldn't suck any harder...

    I have hated Disney scince they have totaly messed up Power Rangers
  2. Nutter87

    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. I got a SV Booster Box to day and I pulled these cards (well Hollos, Lv.Xs, Base Set Reprint and shiney) Hollos Blaziken FB Electivire FB Magmortar Metagross Rayquaza C Rhyperior Swampert Yanmega Lv.Xs Absol G Lv.X Electivire FB Lv.X...
  3. Nutter87

    The PokéBeach Redshark League!

    Well I hope he will let me in
  4. Nutter87

    anyone up for a battle

    Hey there, if any1 wants a freindly game or test ther real life decks for an event, leauge, ect. My server name is: Nutter87 pasword: kari1987 Look forword to see and face u
  5. Nutter87

    The PokéBeach Redshark League!

    Am I to l8 to sign up?