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  1. S

    Stage 1 Toolbox (Cincinno/Yanmega/Zoroark)

    So, it's been a few months since I've played the TCG, so I put this deck together since it was relatively cheap and seemed like it would work well. Obviously, I haven't played in a while, so let me know if I'm forgetting any new staplels, etc. This list obviously needs fine-tuning, so here it...
  2. S

    Nothing going on here

    Not Buying Right Now I only pay in cash. Here's a list of some Raikou cards, we can discuss prices on these (I'll buy these in any language) Raikou Neo-Revelation 13/64 (Holo) 9$ (1st ed 16$) Raikou Neo-Revelation 22/64 2-3$ Rocket's Raikou VS Series JP exclusive 10$ Raikou Skyridge...
  3. S

    Shiny Legendary Beasts Fall Tin Discussion

    Just wondering when the Fall tins are gonna be released (specific date). Edit: Opening this thread to more discussion. Explain your thoughts on the new tins here. ~EspeonROX.
  4. S

    BR Masters Luxchomp (Yes, very original) (Luxray/Garchomp)

    Pokemon x20 Luxray Gl x2 Luxray Gl Lv X x2 Garchomp C x2 Garchomp C Lv X x2 Dialga G x1 Dialga G X x1 Promocroak x1 Dragonite FB x1 Bronzong G x1 Crobat G x2 Uxie LA x2 Uxie Lv X x1 Azelf LA x1 Lucario GL x1 T/S/S x29 Cyrus's Conspiracy x4 Collector x3 Bebe's Search x2...
  5. S

    Is an Undaunted box worth buying?

    Yeah, essentially what the title says. Is and Undaunted box worth buying or not? I just need some other opinions on this matter.
  6. S

    Reviving my trade thread

    So, I know you're not supposed to revive "dead" threads that haven't been posted in for two weeks, but am I allowed to bump my trade thread after over two weeks because I have new wants? Oh, hehehe. I guess this should've gone in the simple questions sections.
  7. S

    Inserting a JPEG image into my sig

    I have a JPEG image I want to put in my signature, but as far as I know, I can only insert an image using a URL. So, is there any way I can insert the JPEG image or create a URL for it?
  8. S

    Ruling HG/SS "Baby" Pokemon

    Just a quick question. So as far as we know, we can't evolve the new Baby Pokemon in to their respective evolved forms since they don't have the Baby Evolution power, right?
  9. S

    Ruling Call Energy question

    So, If I have a Call Energy attached to my active Pokemon, and I have 5 Pokemon on my bench, can I still use Call Energy to view the cards in my deck even though I know I can't get anything?
  10. S

    Ruling Salamence Lv X AoA

    So when you play him down and use his Poke-Power, in theory could you take 4 prizes by using overrun from the normal Salamence and knocking out 2 Pokemon, taking 1 extra prize for each knockout, or do you just take 1 extra prize even if you knock out two Pokemon. Here's the translation for the...
  11. S

    SM's Trade Shop: [H] Mew Prime, Magnezone Prime, and more

    SourMilk's Trade Shop, U.S. Refs: +25 Positive (24 Unique), 0 Neutral, 0 Negative All right first things first. Rules! 1. Apply to all Pokebeach trading rules 2. Lower Refs send first 3. I'll send my cards in sleeves with either a toploader or cardboard, I expect you to return the favor...