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  1. N

    BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

    RE: In-game Team Rates Hey guys, im back. I have recently started to play Multi with the AI's. The problem is that the AI is doing better than me. Once I get my Shedinja out there I'll probably be doin better, but I still need a Focus Sash. Here's my team so far, pleez comment/ rate. Lucario...
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    BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

    RE: In-game Team Rates um..... how should i put this.... okay this is how it is just to tell you how bad the tech over here is. My computer is a 1998 model, it takes three minutes to load this page. Sometimes when I try to go on, the computer shuts down all internet sites as...
  3. N

    BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

    RE: In-game Team Rates HHmmmmm..... you have a good point there..... I'll try that too..... I've got a lot of things to try.
  4. N

    BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

    RE: In-game Team Rates Yeah cuz mine has the moves: X-Scissor Shadow Claw Giga Drain Dig This trumps most of it's weaknesses, but doesn't the Focus Sash only work one time, like a berry?
  5. N

    BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

    RE: In-game Team Rates Hmmmm.... I'll try it. But if this guy just doesn't work out I'm switching him with a, I don't know...... wait I have a Shedinja that Knows some moves that counteract it's weaknesses. It might be a good backup plan.
  6. N

    BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

    RE: In-game Team Rates NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! CURSES!! CURSES!!!! (huff,huff,huff) I'm good.
  7. N

    BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

    RE: In-game Team Rates HHHmmmmm.... I see. Alright, I'll try it out. Be back when the Aliens attack!! BUZZ LOOK AN ALIEN!!! I"M A FIRIN" MA LAZA!!!!!
  8. N

    BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

    RE: In-game Team Rates Well, here's it's stats: Lv 72 Docile Nature Likes to relax Dark Pulse Psychic Shadow Ball Silver Wind I kinda want it to be the guy who goes in first, since he's not weak to anything, and can take out most of the types it goes against.
  9. N

    BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

    RE: In-game Team Rates I like the team, alot, especially the Gengar. I could never make a descent Gengar, "sob". I was thinking of starting another team of Bronzong, Garchomp, and Spiritomb. I've already got the Garchomp from my last team I posted, and the moves for Bronzong are already...
  10. N

    BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

    RE: In-game Team Rates Yeah I figured he'd be good. I said earthquake because the only thing stupid Electric Types are weak against are STUPID GROUND TYPE ATTACKS!!!.....makes me mad.
  11. N

    BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

    RE: In-game Team Rates Well, it depends. In my opinion, if your doin' a three-man battle tower team, keep him with the life orb and save him for fighting dudes with high HP like Blissey, and take most of thier HP down. You might want to give hime Ice Beam and Earthquake too to take down grass...
  12. N

    BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

    RE: In-game Team Rates Yup, that's right. Let me guess, you have the Ultimate National Pokedex?
  13. N

    BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

    RE: In-game Team Rates If it's proud of it's power it gets a attack stat boost. You're sure it's that though?
  14. N

    BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

    RE: In-game Team Rates No, i mean it says something like; loves to eat, proud of it's power, sturdy body, stuff like that. That identifies another bonus they get, but it's only positive and for only one stat.
  15. N

    BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

    RE: In-game Team Rates That would make him a pretty good fast hitter and bringss down a high HP person, like the dreaded Blissey. But Blastoises' HP stat is pretty low, youll have to watch out for that with the Life orb, What does it say above what he likes to eat?
  16. N

    BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

    RE: In-game Team Rates Yeah thanks for the help everybody. I just beat the Tower Tycoon the first time, but I got beat on the 25th battle. But the MISMAGIUS, LUCARIO, GARCHOMP team works fine. Thanx!~!
  17. N

    BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

    RE: In-game Team Rates Okay, I read the guide, I'll try it again. yeah, it works!! Thanks, Dmaster and Boneclub24!! Now, back to the Team discussion.
  18. N

    BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

    RE: In-game Team Rates Okay i'll try it again.[hr] I am FRUSTRATED!!!!! I can't find any pictures with the IMG on the end and it's making me go OMG and my HEADS GETTING BIGGER AND BOOOOOOOM!!! (huff,huff,huff) .....i'm good
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    BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

    RE: In-game Team Rates Thanks for the help Bippa, I'll try it out (the only prob. is finding the sitrus berry). Now to try out the Pic.*qbbQD9TYps3*Jih14mLqjYk6FwdhXoANPv8AePsfRokOpDgU-1TUTlgH0WXmNURbv-OZuyNCQvrBH60h/2570979131_5fa4c34372.jpg...
  20. N

    BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

    RE: In-game Team Rates My Battle Tower Team needs fixin' Can anyone help? Mismagius Lv.50 Oran Berry Shadow Ball Psychic Energy Ball Thunderbolt Lucario Lv.50 Scope Lens Aura Sphere (would it really be Lucario Without it?) Flash Cannon Stone Edge Calm Mind Garchomp Lv.55 Dragon...