Search results

  1. newtorolvr21

    (1) Pokemon 'Black' and 'White' Game Coverage Begins! [9/17]

    Agreed! That makes a lot of sense that someone would try and ruin another person's site to get all the views. Either way, Pokebeach will NOT fall. We gotta keep it up!
  2. newtorolvr21

    (1) Pokemon 'Black' and 'White' Game Coverage Begins! [9/17]

    I don't know if someone already mentioned this, but what "official" lawyer says something like "Oh, I like your site by the way"? Really, wouldn't you think the lawyer would be more on task? I'm shocked at whoever did this, whether it really be Nintendo, or any other person in this world. I'm...
  3. newtorolvr21

    Website Question

    Okay Thanks that helped me out A LOT! Well there is one last question. Where did he get his amazing templates, like how the site looks and how it is set up? I would love to know that thanks!!
  4. newtorolvr21

    Website Question

    Okay thanks! So does anyone know how he actually made it? Like if he used a free website server or if he actually bought it and everything?
  5. newtorolvr21

    Website Question

    Thanks a million!
  6. newtorolvr21

    Website Question

    Okay I have this huge question to ask anyone that could actually help me! Okay I absolutely love this site, and I was wondering how did this website get started? Another big question is that, did the owner of this site use a special server, or how did the website become so cool? How did the...