(1) Pokemon 'Black' and 'White' Game Coverage Begins! [9/17]

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It makes me laugh knowing that some dick has wasted their time posting a pointless, unprofessional letter to WPM and expects everyone to listen to them. Well, "intellectual property" is something we have that you don't, good sir.
If this is true (Most likely not) then if Pokebeach goes down take Serebii and the rest down with you (Don't really...I still need a place where I can find Pokemon info XD)
My theory is, it is definately fake and/or the webmasters are playing a joke on us (well thats what I like to think so, otherwise bad things will happen...)
Hahaha Timeshift(er), that litterally made me LOL :D
Agreed! That makes a lot of sense that someone would try and ruin another person's site to get all the views. Either way, Pokebeach will NOT fall. We gotta keep it up!
I say its fake probably marriland so he can have time to catch up to the other sites :p
lol random thought, maybe Nintendo got pissed off at people seeing the new Pokémon and thinking they are shit and possibly deciding not to buy the game because of that.
Funny Serebii and Bulbapedia aren't saying ANYTHING about this letter. So far the only site who even mentioned it is this site.
^Serebii is in England. NoA has nothing to do with them.

For those interested:
TM01: Claw Sharpen,
TM02: Dragon Claw,
TM03: Psycho Shock,
TM04: Calm Mind,
TM05: Roar,
TM06: Toxic,
TM07: Hail,
TM08: Bulk Up,
TM09: Venom Shock,
TM10: Hidden Power,
TM11: Sunny Day,
TM12: Taunt,
TM13: Ice Beam,
TM14: Blizzard,
TM15: Hyper Beam,
TM16: Light Screen,
TM17: Protect,
TM18: Rain Dance,
TM19: Telekinesis,
TM20: Safeguard,
TM21: Frustration,
TM22: Solarbeam,
TM23: Strike Down,
TM24: Thunderbolt,
TM25: Thunder,
TM26: Earthquake,
TM27: Return,
TM28: Dig,
TM29: Psychic,
TM30: Shadow Ball,
TM31: Brick Break,
TM32: Double Team,
TM33: Reflect,
TM34: Hydro Wave,
TM35: Flamethrower,
TM36: Sludge Bomb,
TM37: Sandstorm,
TM38: Fire Blast,
TM39: Rock Tomb,
TM40: Aerial Ace,
TM41: Torment,
TM42: Facade,
TM43: Nitro Charge,
TM44: Rest,
TM45: Attract,
TM46: Thief,
TM47: Ankle Sweep,
TM48: Troll,
TM49: Echo Voice,
TM50: Overheat,
TM51: Side Change,
TM52: Focus Blast,
TM53: Energy Ball,
TM54: False Swipe,
TM55: Boiling Water,
TM56: Fling,
TM57: Charge Beam,
TM58: Free Fall,
TM59: Complete Burn,
TM60: Postpone,
TM61: Will-o'-Wisp,
TM62: Acrobat,
TM63: Embargo,
TM64: Explosion,
TM65: Shadow Claw,
TM66: Payback,
TM67: Get Even,
TM68: Giga Impact,
TM69: Rock Polish,
TM70: Flash,
TM71: Stone Edge,
TM72: Volt Change,
TM73: Thunder Wave,
TM74: Gyro Ball,
TM75: Swords Dance,
TM76: Bug Resistance,
TM77: Psych Up,
TM78: Smooth Over,
TM79: Ice Breath,
TM80: Rock Throw,
TM81: X-Scissor,
TM82: Dragon Tail,
TM83: Cheer Up,
TM84: Poison Jab,
TM85: Dream Eater,
TM86: Grass Knot,
TM87: Swagger,
TM89: U-Turn,
TM90: Substitute,
TM91: Flash Cannon,
TM92: Trick Room,
TM93: Wild Bolt,
TM94: Rock Smash,
TM95: Back Out,
HM01: Cut,
HM02: Fly,
HM03: Surf,
HM04: Strength,
HM05: Waterfall,
HM06: Dive
I just noticed the letter. Anyway I was hoping that we could at least keep the pictures of the game play, but it seems like that WPM had to take them off, oh well at least we got some videos of the game play.
Yet WPM said Serebii (England) and Pokexperto (Spain?/Europe) were on the list....Hmm Something is definately wrong here (the lawyer messed up the list XD)...
Oh and the new item Target Mark=Awesome
The TM list looks interesting. They kept parts of the older list. Hmmm...

Serebii said:
I've just noticed that I too have been sent one of the emails claiming to be a cease and desist. I'm currently looking into it
I just joined the forums here to note that Serebii says he's gotten the same email.
That's what I was about to say- "I've just noticed that I too have been sent one of the emails claiming to be a cease and desist. I'm currently looking into it "

What a nice fake letter! He even left you his phone number so you'd call him and he'd be able to convince you! What a lovely laugh!

Hahaha, pretty sad. Another point I'd like to add on is that if this was real, he wouldn't tell you that he's also targeting pokexperto and Serebii. Unless of course, he's an incredibly stupid and unprofessional lawyer.

Furthermore, if they did file a copyright claim, what proof is there of that? All they did is tell you.

And one of the most obvious things. 24 hours? How long did it take the letter to arrive? ...lol. Or was it an e-mail? Wait? E-mail?

Serebii must be convinced it's legit then. It is odd though, they haven't done this with a game release before.
I still have this one pic uploaded to my DA account. Got this one saved atleast. It ain't much since it was just an overworld pic of Urgamoth.
Edit: Removed.
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