(1) Pokemon 'Black' and 'White' Game Coverage Begins! [9/17]

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I can't help but laugh. I'm not going to list all the things that wrong with this situation since others have already kindly done so. I will say that there are one of two options:

1. It's fake (probably some 4channer who will later go, "Hey guyz, look how those pogeymanz fans is getting all upset! How lame teehee. Im kewl nd smart!")
2. The lawyer is stupid and the decision wasn't thought through in a professional manner at all, on top of being completely hypocritical to the lack of action taken in the past.
Why would Nintendo do this? The games have already been officially released, and although ROMs are illegal, I don't recall them doing this in the past.

Also, why is Urgamoth in some cave post-E4? I was looking forward to possibly using it on my team. D:
Possible first legendary with a pre-evo maybe? Urgamoth itself has a low catch rate AND is Level 70. Why it's such a high level if it weren't a legendary is what I want to know.
Maybe Urugamosu is like Wailord(in Emerald), how it helped(was a key) to get the Regi-Trio, but another legendary trio.

Maybe Urugamosu is like Wailord(in Emerald), how it helped(was a key) to get the Regi-Trio, but another legendary trio.
I remember when I was reading through GameFAQS there was a guy who constantly said he reported Serebii, WPM, and PokeExperto to Nintendo, GameFREAK, and The Pokemon Company. I wonder if those letters have something to do with it? Maybe he's the guy who made up the email if in fact it is fake.
@Cless , there hasn't been any copyright claim made. ( A copyright claim involves legal action ) There however is a threat to copyright claim being made. And "copyright claim" isn't the right term, the right one would be IP claim. There's this rumor that Pokexperto is involved in this...
@Shiramu: If that's the case, then I have to say good job to GF with the pre-evo design. Much better than phione and manaphy (design-wise and typing-wise, in my opinion).
What would be the approximate time when WPM receives his copy of the game? If it is something like a week I might have to punch a homeless man. >:0
I really hope Urgamoth isn't pulling a Manaphy here with. It's one of my favorite Pokemon to be introduced this generation and I want to be able to breed it and have its pre-evo actually evolve.

Urgamoth isn't a base 100 legendary, though, so I don't think it will be the same situation as with Manaphy/Phione. Meraruda's stats are also much worse than Phione's.
Hey, is PokeBeach an american based site? if no, this email means nothing.

Some guy from 4chan said:
Yeah. It's most likely a troll. Even if it's not, and the email really did come from Nintendo of Japan (which is highly unlikely), use of the sprites and images constitutes fair use under US Copyright law, so Serebii doesn't actually have to remove any of them.

So yeah.
There's this rumor that Pokexperto is involved in this...
Maybe it has something to do with the usage of his sprites?

And yes, Urgamoth evolves from its prevo at level FIFTY-NINE.
^Oh yeah, stupid me.

Well, either way, I'm curious as to what it's doing at level 70, and a level 59 evolution is extremely high, higher than any other evolution that I can recall....Maybe it is a legendary, but the first breedable one?
@PSI Ground: If that's true, there'll be no need to harm that homeless man. I hope for his sake that it is.

Alright, this one pokemon design has been bugging me for quite some time. What does everyone think the idea was behind Zurrugu (that dark-fighting thing) and its evo? I don't see how it is dark, and fighting...well, really any type seems odd on this one. Not to say the design isn't interesting. Thoughts?
lol how amusing, there's a TM called Troll. And why does Jiheddo evolve into Sazando SOO Late!!?? (Lv 64 btw), now that i think about it ALOT of these Gen 5 pokemon evolve at some pretty high levels.
I agree with PokéMontage. Not Gyarados at 30, Snorlax at 30 or 50, Lapras at 25, or Rotom at 15 or 20, but a giant Lv.70! In fact, the only Pokémon to surpass this level in the wild are Magikarp, Arceus, and Kyuremu.
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