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  1. L

    BW/BW2 Hihidaruma could be pokuba's 2nd evolution

    Lol, yeah no offence but that was a pretty odd statement. It doesn't look anything like it really, the only thing that's the same is the fact they are both fire types.
  2. L

    Pokemon 1000 pokemon theory

    You realize you just bumped up an over three year old thread right? On topic though, I imagine there will be more than 1000 Pokemon. As long as they are making money they will keep on making Pokemon games.
  3. L

    BW/BW2 Munna = Drowzee pre-evo

    That's exactly what I thought when I first saw it. The nose looks so similar to Drowzee's and the whole "The Dream Eater Pokemon" only makes it even more likely!
  4. L

    BW/BW2 What will Zekrom/Reshiram's second type be?

    I really hope Zekrom isn't electric. Dragon/electric just doesn't seem to fit right with him to me. Really just about everything so far just screams Dragon/Light and Fragon/Dark types to me.
  5. L

    BW/BW2 Black Vs White : Technology Vs Legendary

    Well I think they made it that way to explain why there is more sea than there is land. ~~~ Anyways back on topic, I think that's another good theory. One team believes in true pokemon while the other team believe they are imperfected. They then decide to make their own perfect Pokemon...
  6. L

    BW/BW2 What you want in generation 5

    Light type, Over 150 new Pokemon, More Ghost, Fire, and Dragon Pokemon, NO MORE CONTESTS, and more sidequests.
  7. L

    (1) First 'CoroCoro' Scans of 'Pokemon Black and White' [4/10]

    RE: (1) Pokemon Sunday on 'Black' and 'White' [4/10] That was the worst hour of my life.... I am never going through that again...