(1) First 'CoroCoro' Scans of 'Pokemon Black and White' [4/10]

RE: (1) Pokemon Sunday on 'Black' and 'White' [4/10]

They announced not only the names, but even said it was coming in Fall 2010!


I'll be here next week for sure, though I'm more looking forward to Tuesday night/Wednesday, when the site's supposed to update.
RE: (1) Pokemon Sunday on 'Black' and 'White' [4/10]

ill just stick to coro coro now xD

yes but we already knew that it was coming fall 2010 based off the offical site for the games so poke sunday failed with info lol.
RE: (1) Pokemon Sunday on 'Black' and 'White' [4/10]

Aw, it's too bad Pokémon Sunday didn't have more information - but then again we're not really supposed to know about the information in CoroCoro yet. xD

Looking forward to whatever they show next week... That is, if it's anything new.
Meh, merged the new thread with the old one since they didn't reveal anything. Looks like in doing so we lost the amount of views the thread had... I think it was a little under 5,000. Oh well.
It does make sense that since CoroCoro isn't out till Thursday that we didn't learn anything new but I think the next Pokemon Sunday has to have something at least slightly different that the CoroCoro otherwise it's kinda of wasting even printing out the images in the first place if it shows the same thing.
RE: (1) Pokemon Sunday on 'Black' and 'White' [4/10]

hellmetal789 said:
yes but we already knew that it was coming fall 2010 based off the offical site for the games so poke sunday failed with info lol.

For the record, "..." after someone says that a news source says something that most people already knew means that the speaker/type/we was actually slightly disappointed or went "oh wait". For future reference. :p

As for putting things in Corocoro on the show? I would imagine that not everybody in Japan gets Corocoro or surfs the internet frequently. However, just about everyone can watch Pokemon Sunday and it's probably one of their best ways to spread Pokemon news.
I was quite disappointed at Pokemon Sunday.... :/
Oh well just have to wait until pictures come out next week, hopefully they won't be the same as the ones we already know about.
This week pokemon sunday is like the epic replay of the week when they were revealing heartgold and soulsilver. Always one step slower than other media. I guess the news was for kids who don't surf the net.
I know, but with 4-5 months until release, you would think that we would see the starters already.
I just saw the scans. Wow!

I love the new battle screen. I also love the new male and female protagonists, especially the girl. A big improvement over Lyra, but still no Leaf in my opinion. That might change when I see some artwork of her. I'm also really impressed with the skyscrapers of the city. Like my boyfriend said, it's like Fourside from EarthBound. And the aspect of getting a car is interesting. I'm hoping that means they might be aiming for a more mature version of Pokémon which is something I've always wanted. Maybe have an evil organization that's a little more threatening. No Pokémon following the player is disappointing. I hope the scans just don't have that feature to avoid spoiling new Pokémon.

I don't think we'll be seeing new Pokémon just yet. I really want official artwork for the boy and girl and the new region's professor and to know the name of the new region. I'd kind of like a female professor for a change.
I was just reading about the trademarked game names and I noticed grey, A possible third version?
Grr. Flame me if you must, but I already dislike these games. That's putting it in terms that I'm allowed to say on these forums.

We don't need 3D graphics with 2D sprites. It just doesn't work. I thought Diamond and Pearl were pushing it; that's one of the reasons why I didn't like those games. I grew up with flat, 2D graphics...look at Sonic. As his games got more and more 3D, they sucked more and more. Sonic the Hedgehog 4 will probably be the best Sonic game in years. Like Sonic, Pokemon has had its downfall as well, starting with Ruby and Sapphire. Ratings and sales may say otherwise, but everything's gone downhill after Crystal came out. Why? Gameplay basically stayed the exact same(I know there's been changes with every generation, but the basic concept is the same) and they focused on the visuals. You don't need good visuals to make a good game. You need good gameplay. And that's exactly what started sucking when we got Ruby and Sapphire.

Don't bother arguing with me, as I'm not going to look back here to look at your rage. All I'm doing here is expressing disappointment over what could be great games, but don't even look good from what I see so far.
I don't know why all the hate for gen 3... Sure, I found most of gen 3's pokémon to be odd compared to older generations but Sapphire was the 1st pokémon game I played entirely (even though I know pokémon since it first appeared) and I think it's not bad. I also like the gen 3 games because they are the best to play in emulators because red/blue/gold/silver/etc. don't have so good colors/graphics and there isn't an emulator for DS as good as VBA is for GBA...

as for this new games, all this change is kinda scary...
I thought Gen III was better than II and IV. :p But I think it depends on nostalgia for most people.
I absolutely love the female character. Easily ranks among my favorites. (Red, Green, and Gold being my others) I love how the cities are actually...cities. They don't have just 5 houses, a Pokemon Center, a Poke-Mart, and something else. They have towering skyscrapers that seem to go on for a while. I love the Pokemon Center exterior, btw. ;]

The rest of the 3-D looks pretty weird, though. I imagine it looks strange for two reasons:

a) it's a screenshot
b) it's still a beta photo

Nonetheless, I actually like the new battle graphics. I just wish the Pokemon were 3-D themselves. As Pokefan said, 2-D Sprites in a 3-D world aren't all too good.

I hope we get some minor plot details next issue. I really hope they really mix it up this time, and really make us wonder, "Is this actually Pokemon?" Of course, I'd like a more mature plot, but I know that won't happen or else Nintendo loses all those crazy 9-year olds. And I assume that added sales in the teen and adult audiences won't make up for it.

WPM: I somewhat agree with you. I know I certainly liked Generation III than IV. I can't say for II, (as I thought Pokemon was dumb then. ;p) but I can say I really liked HGSS. I don't think I'd put III above II. Let's just hope Black/White top them all. :]