(1) First 'CoroCoro' Scans of 'Pokemon Black and White' [4/10]

BW will most likely top them off. I seriously can't wait until the release of it! *crosses fingers for backwards compatibility*
These. Games. Are. Amazing.

The 3D is fantastically amazing. I love the Pokemon Center+Mart combo. They made the Girl sprite look even better. Driving cars would be crazy. The back sprites is GREAT. Something like that really should have been made earlier, but I like the change. It's unfortunate Pokemon Sunday won't reveal anything for a while, but I am already seriously pumped. These games are already growing to become my favorite Pokemon games ever and I haven't even played them yet.

Oh yeah, and that's a sick banner, Xous. :]

dmaster out.
It is true for Black and White then. Cool. I was skeptical because it sure looks like it is not real though.:)
xxashxx said:
It is true for Black and White then. Cool. I was skeptical because it sure looks like it is not real though.:)

Well they did say you might not recognize them as Pokemon games...
With all the electricity and the rocks floating (possibly by magnetism) in the cave, could this be an area where you can evolve Magneton and Nosepass?
Ekaru said:
As for putting things in Corocoro on the show? I would imagine that not everybody in Japan gets Corocoro or surfs the internet frequently. However, just about everyone can watch Pokemon Sunday and it's probably one of their best ways to spread Pokemon news.
Well the show is obivously for the small children, and I know from when I was a child that tv was my only resource back then. At the time of RSE I started buying magazines and not long after that I discovered the internet lol xD So yeah, great method of spreading the news under the young aged children.
Love the scans and all the 2.5d it shown. This is where pokemon get attractive and nostalgic since you can see the slowly developing graphic after a new generation.

After all the racist nonsense people've been sprouting, I thought about it and notice a trend. It's like a reverse big bang, or I call reverse pokebang. They've been going from color to metal to gem and after diamond and pearl, suddenly bound back to platinum(a metal, whose every body thought would be girasol) and now back to the color theme of black and white.
I'm super excited :D! I've been killing for them to release Generation V for a while now. It's been a few years since we've had some new adventures, and Pokemon, to discover.
In response to Gen 3 hate... I agree, somewhat.

To me, Gen 3's problem was that it had all of the momentum of G/S/C behind it... it wanted to do good... but it fell short. The graphics were nice, the music was catchy, but a few things haunted my mind:

1. Being someone who didn't go online much, when I got Ruby and realized there were only 200 Pokemon in the game (and that there was no mention of the national dex), I began to get upset that nearly 200 Pokemon were cut from the game (I was 12). Also, the knowledge that Gen 3 was a "restart" for the series (being detached from Gen 1 and 2), didn't help my impression that it was a misstep. At the very least I wished that they had given you SOME hint that the pokemon were still in the game, just not obtainable... This made me think they were cutting out a lot of Pokemon's past, and replacing them with obvious "replacement" Pokemon (Lairon replaces Rhyhorn, Wurmple replaces Weedle/Caterpie, etc.)

2. Certain features from Gen 2 were cut, or severely downgraded. Case in point, the Pokegear was relegated to being the Pokenav, cutting out the phone and radio, and replacing it with contest stuff (which could have been handled by the PC or a Key Item IMO). And the biggest change was the Day and Night features and the Days of the Week features... That was the biggest problem with Gen 3 IMO...

3. Clone Pokemon. Say what you want, but personally, I don't like the Pokemon "pairs" they made to hype the double battle features. I can stand pairs like Lotad and Seedot, or Seviper and Zangoose... but Plusle and Minun, and Volbeat and Illumise (which could have just been gender forms of a singular Pokemon) irritate me as I believe we could have had a more original Pokemon to replace them (whatever happened to using Ekans and Sandshrew as pairs/version exclusives?)

4. Water... Oh god was there too much water and too many water Pokemon. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, except for the fact that suddenly the entire region was pretty much explorable before you even collected all of the badges... Which meant Pokemon couldn't be TOO strong in case an unwitting trainer strayed too far from the beaten path... Also, it's easy to get lost in a giant seas of water with no discernable landmarks... and that makes it boring for a game that involves exploring to a degree. Also, the mass amounts of water Pokemon made each of them seem less unique... Especially when most of them didn't offer new type combos or anything...

And again, the biggest problem is that the games seem to have taken a couple of steps back from it's predecessor... which is what I hope Gen 5 won't do. I hope Day and Night, Days of the Week, and Following Pokemon become staples of the series from now on...

Now as for what I've seen. The city looks more like a cave kinda place, in the sense that you go through the entrance to get to another area. So does this mean you can skirt around a city to get to the route you want to go to without running through the all the buildings (the cities may be huge)? It would make sense, especially with the Pokemon CenterMart being on the outskirts, so you can heal and run off without getting sucked into the city.

The battle scenes look great... and I can only hope they add blinking/sleeping/flinching (from being hit with an attack) sprites into the fights... I've been wanting them for awhile to add realism...

And am I the only one who noticed this... but does the image with the boy standing outside the house (which I assume is in the starting town) seem a bit... spacious? I mean, the only other house I see is in the bottom corner, and is a fair distance away. Usually the first town is crammed with 3-4 buildings... so does that mean these places are going to be huge? A huge region sounds really nice...

Also, gauging by the fact that the reference pic for the Pokemon CenterMart is based off of a regular Pokemon Center in HG/SS, I don't think it's a league Pokemon Center (also, why would they show one this early? Or when have they ever showed one for a pre-release?)

An Electric Cave sounds interesting... perhaps you can hop on the floating stones and move them around with strength to solve puzzles? All merely speculation at this point though...

I hope to seem clearer images, but I'm liking the more simple look to the male and female characters... Gen 3 and 4 were making them too complex... it was almost like having the choice to be a jock or a nerd... such limited options when we all don't fit that identity. Maybe this also hints at the possibility of getting character customization, as a lot of people (including me) have been wanting.

I do think though that the following Pokemon hasn't been seen because of spoiling Gen 5 Pokemon (plus, it's not as "hot" an upgrade as the graphics). I think the following Pokemon will be revealed when the starters are, which could be anywhere from May to July...

Nintendo and Pokemon are masters at giving us the tiniest of morsels of info and yet making us feel like we've gotten a lot... They're evil that way (but also awesome).

... And thus ends my first post on this forum... and hopefully not my last... XD

Also, in response to the basic colors being used for the names of the games, I'm kinda glad that the gens aren't trying to one up each other with "precious gems/metals/rocks"... Now let's just hope the version mascots won't be legends (though if they are, I guess it won't be too big a deal... I just would rather them not... since we're going back to the basic colors and everything). Though this does lead me to think what the third game could be... Pokemon Grey just doesn't seem like it'll sell well...

howelllawson said:
With all the electricity and the rocks floating (possibly by magnetism) in the cave, could this be an area where you can evolve Magneton and Nosepass?

Hey I just noticed that the rocks were floating. Good eye man!
@Tamat, about the screen you refer to as the Starter Town, if you look closely you can see there's also a house in the upper left of the screen (shadow of the house can be seen plus a small portion of the door). And if there's one on the lower-right, behind the text it won't be that big. Which I think is good, lots of walking is boring after all.

Anyway, give a close look at the city screen. The stairs on the lower part of the screen seem to point to South-West, I guess it's going to be all dizzy-rotation stuff? Somewhat like the Distortion World in Platinum.
I like the whole concept of real cites in Pokemon, not just a whole bunch of random buildings, finally it reals more realistic, And a Pokemon Center w/Mart is extremely convenient. The Female Protagonist, looks much better than Lyra, her big, puffy hat looked soo stupid, IMO. The Male protagonist however looks more childish, he looks he's much shorter than i expected, Red & Brandon looked the oldest out of any of the protagonists, And Cris & Leaf were the best Female characters.
Tamat said:
In response to Gen 3 hate... I agree, somewhat.

To me, Gen 3's problem was that it had all of the momentum of G/S/C behind it... it wanted to do good... but it fell short. The graphics were nice, the music was catchy, but a few things haunted my mind:

1. Being someone who didn't go online much, when I got Ruby and realized there were only 200 Pokemon in the game (and that there was no mention of the national dex), I began to get upset that nearly 200 Pokemon were cut from the game (I was 12). Also, the knowledge that Gen 3 was a "restart" for the series (being detached from Gen 1 and 2), didn't help my impression that it was a misstep. At the very least I wished that they had given you SOME hint that the pokemon were still in the game, just not obtainable... This made me think they were cutting out a lot of Pokemon's past, and replacing them with obvious "replacement" Pokemon (Lairon replaces Rhyhorn, Wurmple replaces Weedle/Caterpie, etc.)

2. Certain features from Gen 2 were cut, or severely downgraded. Case in point, the Pokegear was relegated to being the Pokenav, cutting out the phone and radio, and replacing it with contest stuff (which could have been handled by the PC or a Key Item IMO). And the biggest change was the Day and Night features and the Days of the Week features... That was the biggest problem with Gen 3 IMO...

3. Clone Pokemon. Say what you want, but personally, I don't like the Pokemon "pairs" they made to hype the double battle features. I can stand pairs like Lotad and Seedot, or Seviper and Zangoose... but Plusle and Minun, and Volbeat and Illumise (which could have just been gender forms of a singular Pokemon) irritate me as I believe we could have had a more original Pokemon to replace them (whatever happened to using Ekans and Sandshrew as pairs/version exclusives?)

4. Water... Oh god was there too much water and too many water Pokemon. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, except for the fact that suddenly the entire region was pretty much explorable before you even collected all of the badges... Which meant Pokemon couldn't be TOO strong in case an unwitting trainer strayed too far from the beaten path... Also, it's easy to get lost in a giant seas of water with no discernable landmarks... and that makes it boring for a game that involves exploring to a degree. Also, the mass amounts of water Pokemon made each of them seem less unique... Especially when most of them didn't offer new type combos or anything...

And again, the biggest problem is that the games seem to have taken a couple of steps back from it's predecessor... which is what I hope Gen 5 won't do. I hope Day and Night, Days of the Week, and Following Pokemon become staples of the series from now on...

Now as for what I've seen. The city looks more like a cave kinda place, in the sense that you go through the entrance to get to another area. So does this mean you can skirt around a city to get to the route you want to go to without running through the all the buildings (the cities may be huge)? It would make sense, especially with the Pokemon CenterMart being on the outskirts, so you can heal and run off without getting sucked into the city.

The battle scenes look great... and I can only hope they add blinking/sleeping/flinching (from being hit with an attack) sprites into the fights... I've been wanting them for awhile to add realism...

And am I the only one who noticed this... but does the image with the boy standing outside the house (which I assume is in the starting town) seem a bit... spacious? I mean, the only other house I see is in the bottom corner, and is a fair distance away. Usually the first town is crammed with 3-4 buildings... so does that mean these places are going to be huge? A huge region sounds really nice...

Also, gauging by the fact that the reference pic for the Pokemon CenterMart is based off of a regular Pokemon Center in HG/SS, I don't think it's a league Pokemon Center (also, why would they show one this early? Or when have they ever showed one for a pre-release?)

An Electric Cave sounds interesting... perhaps you can hop on the floating stones and move them around with strength to solve puzzles? All merely speculation at this point though...

I hope to seem clearer images, but I'm liking the more simple look to the male and female characters... Gen 3 and 4 were making them too complex... it was almost like having the choice to be a jock or a nerd... such limited options when we all don't fit that identity. Maybe this also hints at the possibility of getting character customization, as a lot of people (including me) have been wanting.

I do think though that the following Pokemon hasn't been seen because of spoiling Gen 5 Pokemon (plus, it's not as "hot" an upgrade as the graphics). I think the following Pokemon will be revealed when the starters are, which could be anywhere from May to July...

Nintendo and Pokemon are masters at giving us the tiniest of morsels of info and yet making us feel like we've gotten a lot... They're evil that way (but also awesome).

... And thus ends my first post on this forum... and hopefully not my last... XD

Also, in response to the basic colors being used for the names of the games, I'm kinda glad that the gens aren't trying to one up each other with "precious gems/metals/rocks"... Now let's just hope the version mascots won't be legends (though if they are, I guess it won't be too big a deal... I just would rather them not... since we're going back to the basic colors and everything). Though this does lead me to think what the third game could be... Pokemon Grey just doesn't seem like it'll sell well...

Yeah i agree with you.
And i reckon Gen 4 would of been better if they didn't follow in the footsteps of Gen 3.
Gen 3 was the worst desision they made becuase they made the features far, far off from G,S,C.
But now that HGSS is out i think they will follow the footsteps of that and not Gen 4.
So Black/White will be a 3rd Gen we always deserved ;)
Im kinda hoping that the new starters will be new types but im also kinda hoping that they will be fire, grass, and water.
I also think that generation III was not a good game compared to the others, Gen IV repaired those damages, and gen V is the chance to get a experience like the one in gen II but it is only personal opinion( I hope it does not offend anybody), I really do miss the companion Pokemon but i think they will still be available because they even had a purpose that was understanding their behavior, and it made the game more fun and a little bit more real. I really hope we can return to Kanto it would look really good.
I just can get used to the boy character i sometimes think he is the girl character
Tamat said:
4. Water... Oh god was there too much water and too many water Pokemon. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, except for the fact that suddenly the entire region was pretty much explorable before you even collected all of the badges... Which meant Pokemon couldn't be TOO strong in case an unwitting trainer strayed too far from the beaten path... Also, it's easy to get lost in a giant seas of water with no discernable landmarks... and that makes it boring for a game that involves exploring to a degree. Also, the mass amounts of water Pokemon made each of them seem less unique... Especially when most of them didn't offer new type combos or anything..

It didn't have too many Water Pokemon. If it did, then so did Kanto and Johto.

Hoenn introduced 28 new Water-types, while Kanto introduced 32 new Water Types.

Hoenn had 46 Water-type Pokemon total in the regional Pokedex, Johto had 50.

Hoenn's Pokedex was 22.77% Water, Kanto's was 21.12%.

Hoenn didn't have anymore Water-types than Kanto or Johto, it's just they were more emphasized than they ever were in Kanto or Johto.
PLATINUM226 said:
Im kinda hoping that the new starters will be new types but im also kinda hoping that they will be fire, grass, and water.

the only triangle i see is dark/psychic/fighting which they would have to change many gyms and stuff around which wouldnt be a bad thing. but fighting seems to be over powered against many types compared to the other 2.
FireGrey said:
Yeah i agree with you.
And i reckon Gen 4 would of been better if they didn't follow in the footsteps of Gen 3.
Gen 3 was the worst desision they made becuase they made the features far, far off from G,S,C.
But now that HGSS is out i think they will follow the footsteps of that and not Gen 4.
So Black/White will be a 3rd Gen we always deserved ;)
No, it will be Gen 5. Gen 3 was awesome. Not my favorite gen but it was awesome nonetheless. Did you guys forget that it was Gen 3 that introduced abilities and weather? Yeah I'll admit it had it's problems but it was a good gen overall. We definitely got what we deserved then, and you guys shouldn't be so picky.