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  1. K

    Ruling Couple of questions

    Okay so, I have some questions since Im a bit out dated regarding some rulings. First off, let's say is my turn and I attack with my active pokemon, killing my opponent's pokemon right away, but at the exact time my pokemon dies too (for example by the fault of Rocky Helmet), so who (me or my...
  2. K

    how was your prerelease?good?bad?or just ok?

    are the steelix and tyranitar the only dark and metal pokémon in these decks? since every other dark and metal were left out of this set i was wondering about that also grats on your pulls
  3. K

    Ruling Roserade HSU

    Hi, if i attach Multicolor Energy or Rainbow Energy to Roserade will its pokepower let me put both conditions in the same turn (poison and confuse) on the defending pokémon?
  4. K

    Ruling Time Out

    Ok this question is regarding about: what is to do when time runs out and players are still playing a duel, and how to execute a sudden death if necessary. Thanks for the responces.
  5. K

    Ruling Garchomp G Lvl X

    If i use Dragon Rush to hit for 80 one pokémon of my oponent, and in the next turn i put Garchomp Lvl X on my bench and i make it active once again in the same turn im allowed to use again Dragon Rush? Thanks.
  6. K

    pre-release.... is it worth it?

    yeah, theres a very good chance of no tins at all this time, but personally i really hope for them since the set looks very meh and i only want tyranitar and maybe Ursa, but even if they release there no guarante either that those 2 will be chosen for the tins i hope that OP gets some fun if...
  7. K

    pre-release.... is it worth it?

    Well i personally i was going to attend to a pre release on my locals but seeing how this set has cut off some of the best cards i will pass I only want some primes but chances are that some of them will be released on Tins like Thy/Fera/Mega ones so... My advice would that re think...
  8. K

    why i think platinum will be cut (which is sad)

    Well i dont think that a reprint of plus power in HSU means no platinum sure it can happen, but a reprint dont give us enough evidence yet
  9. K

    (1) All 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

    RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28] nice i feel bad for the Lefeon beging out from the set, i had some ideas for it, it cant be helped i guess, gotta wait now i wonder if we they will realese Tyranitar/Steelix/someone else Prime Tins like they did with Thy/Fera/Mega in this set i hope...
  10. K

    Professor Program problems

    yeah, i have an account too i better post some screenshots to make everything more clear
  11. K

    Professor Program problems

    yeah, im 22 and my friend is 25
  12. K

    Professor Program problems

    Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this but, anyone here has problems in taking the Professor Test in Poké In my locals we dont have a judge yet, so a friend of mine was going to take the exam and became a professor, however when he tries takes to take the exam its denied like...
  13. K

    POP Modified Format Rotation

    well i played back then, however my memory is kinda crappy ok then, if my memory dont fails me.... those 4 were out in 2005 EX Ruby & Sapphire EX Sandstorm EX Dragon EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua and these 3 in 2006 EX Hidden Legends EX FireRed & LeafGreen EX Team Rocket Returns...
  14. K

    Ruling Unown G questions

    Hi, i have a few questions regarding Unown G When he is attached to one of my pokemon, Does he prevent my Basic Pokemon from being KO from Machamp's "Take Out" effect from Stormfront Set? In that case, he is allowed to do 40 of damage or is stuck into not doing damage and only the effect...
  15. K

    POP Modified Format Rotation

    i was thinking a lot about this lately, the last time that something was rotated was in 2008 like Tenka Digi showed us: and before, in 2007 5 sets were rotated. My guess is that this time all the D&P series will rotate, so 6 sets will be out (D&P, SW, MT, MD, GE, LA, SW) IMHO. Or a...
  16. K

    Ruling Altaria Platinum

    Hi, my last question for today is about Altaria from Platinum, he has 2 attacks that works in combo: Ok my questions are, do Midnight Eyes needs to damage the defending Pokemon for Perish Song be able to KO the next turn, or just make asleep my opponent pokemon using it is enough...
  17. K

    Ruling Luxray GL vs Manectric PL

    Hi, i was wondering a little about how Luxray attack Flash Impact works with Manectric PL pokebody, it reads as the follows: Lets say that i have a Luxray GL as my active, a Manectric on my bench and some random pokemon on my bench too (like a Pikachu). Ok if i use Flash Impact and i...
  18. K

    Ruling Ultimate Zone

    Hi, does the stadium Ultimate Zone allows my opponent to move his energy cards between different Arceus that he controls in my turn? or he can do it only during his turn? Thanks.
  19. K

    Ruling Unown K

    Hi, i want to know how unown K works, his effect is the following: If i have one in my bench, he can heal my (active) pokémon? or he only heals the pokémon of my opponent? Thanks.
  20. K

    Ruling Instant KO attacks

    Hello, my question relates to certain attacks that targets a pokemon to make it die in the next turn, for example Jirachi or Absol G: If i retreat my active pokémon, switch it, evolve it, return it to my hand, etc, in other words, if i replace my active pokemon in some form, this effect goes...