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  1. SwiftTheFox15

    Finished Pokemon Midnighters

    Dai is looking for weapons
  2. SwiftTheFox15

    Finished Pokemon Midnighters

    Dai waits in his shop
  3. SwiftTheFox15

    What anime are you watching right now?

    Soul Eater, FMA Brotherhood, and a little bit of Trigun
  4. SwiftTheFox15

    Finished Pokemon Midnighters

    "Hello class; today, after a talk with your principal, im am no longer able to teach you martial arts so we will play softball"
  5. SwiftTheFox15

    Finished Pokemon Midnighters

    OCC: im not god moding but are you still going to my charaters Metalshop
  6. SwiftTheFox15

    Finished Pokemon Midnighters

    OCC: who says im giveing you "state of the art wepons" im a Metalworker... not a military weapons spicalist IC: The next day Dai makes sure to find his best weapons.
  7. SwiftTheFox15

    Finished Pokemon Midnighters

    "sure but you might need something to fight with" Dai say "My card"
  8. SwiftTheFox15

    Finished Pokemon Midnighters

    "yea" Dai says "Most Midnights, ive learn, have so type of remorse yet are given a gift. its a strange kind of contradiction"
  9. SwiftTheFox15

    Finished Pokemon Midnighters

    "acculy im filling in for your schools gym teacher"
  10. SwiftTheFox15

    What anime are you watching right now?

    "Baka and Test" If you never heard of it please watch. IT'S AWESOME!!!!!!! ITS THE BEST COMEDY ANIME EVAR!!!!!!! you can see it on Japanese trailer: Funimation watching page: Please...
  11. SwiftTheFox15

    Finished Pokemon Midnighters

    "yea and you might need this" Dai hand the girl the book The 25th hour from his jacket pocket, "if you can figure this out ill be willing to help"
  12. SwiftTheFox15

    Finished Pokemon Midnighters

    Dai gets up and hold his head b/c he hit his head when he fell. "Yea" dai says as a Katana drops out of his janitor jacket
  13. SwiftTheFox15

    Finished Pokemon Midnighters

    OCC: This is what im talking about: Also what do you think of my new banner IC: Dai acts like he is working..... but fails at being covicning.... the dai trips over a landry cart in the spur of the mononet
  14. SwiftTheFox15

    Judge our Banners!

    what do you think of mine?
  15. SwiftTheFox15

    Just ordered Persona 4

    yea.... im stuck on shadow yukkio.... im thinking of grinding to lv 20.... or should go higher
  16. SwiftTheFox15

    Finished Pokemon Midnighters

    "Wait what are they talking about?" Dai remembers a book that he hadf rented from the library called "The 25th Hour" that he read when he had a very strange which has been happening every other day.
  17. SwiftTheFox15

    Finished Pokemon Midnighters

    OCC: Persona 3.... the dark hour..... that really wasnt a mistake
  18. SwiftTheFox15

    Finished Pokemon Midnighters

    Dai is working shifts at the Hospital as a janitor. "Hey you kids... visting hours are...." "OHHH $H!T ITS THE KIDS FOR THAT GYM CLASS!!! Oh thank you the light is out in this hallway" OCC: I figured it out let me add this Thou art I... And I am Thou Thou hast established a new bond... It...
  19. SwiftTheFox15

    Just ordered Persona 4

    Hey, I just ordered Persona 4? what do you think of the seires
  20. SwiftTheFox15

    Finished Pokemon Midnighters

    OCC: im surpirsed that no one mentioned the fact that i screamed in the middle of the cafetreia