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  1. S

    Ruling Hydro launcher + Expert belt?

    How does Expert belt effect Blastoise's (UL) Hydro Launcher attack? I know that it only does 100 to any benched pokemon, but would it do 120 to any active pokemon? I'm a little bit fuzzy on it because it seems to do 100 damage as an effect, but it isn't placing damage counters. (and how...
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    lux chomp possible issue.

    I could say something about a 3-1 vs a 2-2 Lux x. 3-1 line leaves a 1 in 10 chance that its prized 2-2 has a 2 in 10 chance that ONE is prized, but the odds of both being prized drops. ( I think its like 1 in 100) A 2-2 line gives you some consistency. you pretty much will never have both...
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    Which starter to buy?

    Well, The ferligatr deck is the best out of box in my opinion. Also the Ferligatr and typlosion decks are the easeiest to mod with newer cards. I think that the water is the easiest to turn competetive. (2 ferli prime for like 8$ plus shipping and if you really want Floatzel lvl x, you dont...
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    Tri-type deck?!?!

    Hmm, so what about a deck that ran dark,psy, fight and colorless mon with the 3 energy types?
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    Tri-type deck?!?!

    I've seen mono and dual-type decks, but ive never really seen a tri-type deck. So i was wondering, is it even feasible? (btw when i say tri type i mean a main attacker for each type and more then 3 energy of each type, stuff like uxie and claydol don't count) I think a deck like this would...
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    Which starter to buy?

    Another option to consider is the Ferligatr deck from HGSS. (also known as MINDFLOOD) . If you turn around and get some supplement cards (uxie, cdoll and the like) along with ferligatr primes and the unleashed blastoise, you can build a relativly good deck. Add in a Floatzel gl lvl x and a few...
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    Ruling Jirachi and TimeHollow

    My question is, if my jirachi has 2 {P} energy attached and i use its time hollow, Can I use it to take a Stage 1 card and a stage 2 card off the SAME pokemon? Example: I have jirachi with 2 {P}. My opponent has a stage 2 pokemon. Could jirachi's attack remove the stage 2 card, making it a...
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    How much Energy do YOU use?

    I use 10 water energy in my deck. How much energy do you use? I wanna see the record for least and most in a deck:)
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    Which decks will and wont be killed (100%) by a format change?

    People at my local league said that its unlikely because they recently made it a league holo. If i lose rosy, i can still use pokemon collector and stuff like that.
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    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. I pulled the bottom of ho-oh from my first pack, and the Reverse holo shiny gyra from my 5th. Ive only bought 5 packs so far:) If only i could also pull some good competetive cards, like ferli prime>.<
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    Which decks will and wont be killed (100%) by a format change?

    I hope not, my basic deck plan really needs rosy's, it becomes less effective if i have to use other searchers.
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    Which decks will and wont be killed (100%) by a format change?

    Why do so many people count out Rosanne's? Its a card in Pop series 8. Doesn't that mean that Rosy's will still be legal? I don't see Pop 8 or 9 being rotated out.
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    Ruling Group swim and Floatzel gl lvl x

    Does Mantine(GS)'s attack group swin, which lets me search my deck for a water type pokemon, still apply to Floatzel Gl Lvl x? The rulings around lvl x confuse me because certain cards can, and others cant search lvl x's. Also, Would a Pokeball be able to search a Lvl x if it levels from a basic...
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    *Hopes for a Milotic prime promo card (or in next set:))* My guess is that it will be ttar and steelix.
  15. S

    Battle me please

    Someone want to battle me, Im a noob, but im decent for only playing 2 battles so far. Network: SadaracBattles Pass: SadaracBattles Im testing a new deck, so any tips you can give about it are appreciated:)