lux chomp possible issue.


well i think the only way for me to play luxchomp is to do 3-1. but the thing is that the lux x might be in the prizes. then the oppo could power spray the azelf.

can you give me some counters other than playing 2-2, i cant afford it.
play a 2-2 garchomp c lv.x line to make up for it. hes more affordable and is an amazing attacker
I don't think it will fit into your deck, but may be worth considering...

Nobody can Power Spray you if Spiritomb is your active!
2-2 is vastly superior, there's got to be enough trade bait in your binder to dogpile for a luxray x.
2-2 is not vastly superior at all. In my opinion it's actually inferior, and at the very most it comes down to preference/playstyle. 3-1 ups the chances of opening with one, which is your ideal situation.
Roseanes or collectors for a uxie and an azelf. play the azelf first. you are almost 70% guaranteed a power spray on the uxie instead.

Don't do stuff like have a luxray active and then use an SP radar to get a Toxicraok or Garchomp C or something like that. try to check for the Luxray X when you use your first Collectors/Roseannes/Cyrus Conspiracy.

Your opponent will not power spray azelf IF they have reason to suspect that nothing valuable is prized;)
I think 2-1 runs well. That way you can bright look several turns in a row. 3-1 seems excessive since garchomp is your primary attacker unless you're playing a deck that is weak to luxray. Either way you want 2-2 garchomp.
3-1 is fine. I have played that and in some situations it is superior to the 2-2 line. Firstly as someone mentioned beforehand, 3 luxrays really helps your start and is pretty ideal for this deck. Also against Gyarados, you want to swarm luxrays, it is a tad harder when you only have two since Gyarados will just tail revenge it next turn.

I use 2-2 as in all other matchups, you just have a bad draw when you draw into a luxray gl midgame since you don't have anything creative to do with it. Also since you don't run claydol, it will just clog up your hand etc.

But 3-1 is fine and is still very playable, don't be put down and it is still unlikely to have a luxray in your prizes anyway.
3-1 is the most stable way to get a t2 bright look.....try to bait out the spray with soemthing else...
2-2 Luxray lets you Azelf for other things in the Prizes (since you don't have to worry about having Lux X in there), and lets you have another Bright Look which is most of the time, very crucial and clutch.

That being said, if you can't go 2-2, 3-1 is the next best choice. Bait out the Sprays with more Uxie/Crobat.

dmaster out.
Hypno68 said:
I don't think it will fit into your deck, but may be worth considering...

Nobody can Power Spray you if Spiritomb is your active!

unless they have alakazam MT like my cursegar does.

I say just deal, the chances aren't that high. also, a 2-2 garchomp can somewhat make up for it and is easy to get
I could say something about a 3-1 vs a 2-2 Lux x.

3-1 line leaves a 1 in 10 chance that its prized
2-2 has a 2 in 10 chance that ONE is prized, but the odds of both being prized drops. ( I think its like 1 in 100)

A 2-2 line gives you some consistency. you pretty much will never have both end up prized, and if it does happen, you can ko to get one out pretty fast anyways.

3-1 is less costly ($ wise) but more risky. But you will probably be fine with it. Garchomp is in lux decks for a reason. they complement each other. You don't really need the 2-2 unless your planning on winning some major tourneys.
with all the people playing luxchomp I'm now leaning towards flyphan.

thx for all the help!