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  1. S

    BW/BW2 How many Pokemon?

    I think they will have 600 exactly.
  2. S

    What happened to Blaine's Quiz?

    Poll is up for people to vote so then if Water Pokemon Master sees the amount of Yes we should have a chance of him bringing it back.
  3. S

    What happened to Blaine's Quiz?

    I have been visiting this site for at least 2 years now but just recently became a member and i've been wondering why the Blaine's Quiz hasn't been updated, I will be really happy if you bought that feature back.
  4. S

    BW/BW2 What do think the evos will be?

    I agree with eveyone else on what Tsutaaja and Pokabu's evolutions will look like but Mijimaru... Mijimaru's evolution better be something otter then that! Haha! See what I did thar?! :D
  5. S

    BW/BW2 Eeveelutions

    I just blew my mind! 1st gen: Fire, Water, Electric = Electric > Water > Fire. 2nd gen: Dark, Psychic = Dark > Psychic 4th gen: Ice, Grass = Ice > Grass. In each generation each eeveelition is a type that is super effective, to the other so this could narrow down our guesses. We now most likely...
  6. S

    (1) Zekrom Part Electric-Type? [5/31]

    @Water Pokemon Master Judging by your previous post the games having something to do with they sky if it is correct, Zekrom could be Dragon/Electric as it could cause the sky to darken and then create lightning storms. Also that would then have to make Reshiram a Dragon/Fire to make the sun...