BW/BW2 How many Pokemon?


Who's ready for Pokemon Worlds 2011!
This question keeps popping in my mind... how many Pokemon will their be in the Pokedex now that it's come out? How many completely new? Evolutions from older Pokemon? Which ones? How many total? What do you guys think.
I said they add 101 new pokemon! so 594! 594 is my guess because even numbers make me happy!
O_O Wow, uh, 600? I think they'd have 150 again, because Pokémon seems to enjoy that number.
Six hundred total wouldn't surprise me. That'd just be, what...106 new Pokemon? I remember reading elsewhere that some people hope they'll work their way up to over 1000 total someday, but I think that'd be pushing it a little. Though, I say that...and look at all the ones we have already...
I've got to say, I'd guess 551. (First Gen 151, Second Gen 251, Fifth Gen 551.)

I don't think they'll make it an even six-hundred, though. Notice how each generation number precedes the total number of Pokémon in that generation:
Gen. 1: 151 Pokémon.
Gen. 2: 251 Pokémon.
Gen. 3: 386 Pokémon.
Gen. 4: 493 Pokémon.

So, if not 551, my guess would be something along the lines of this:
Gen. 5: 5?? Pokémon.
I don't care how many there are. :) I just look forward to not recognizing a single Pokemon, like what happened in Hoenn the first Pokemon I recognized was a Geodude (I think ). :)
I'm guessing around 130 or more new pokemon, as, Like Generation 3, I predict most of these pokemon will be unrelated to old ones.
1st gen = 151
2nd gen = 100 *
3rd gen = 135
4th gen = 107 *

5th gen = ?

So I guess a big number again? About 140, something like that.

*the 2nd and 4th gen contained alot of evo's/prevo's. So I guess the 5th gen won't contain that much.
Pokequaza said:
*the 2nd and 4th gen contained alot of evo's/prevo's. So I guess the 5th gen won't contain that much.
thank geez. I hate when they mess up an already good thing. I personally hate pre evos.. their only purpose is to get kids to want to play pokemon, and to make us try harder to get national dex lol