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  1. C

    BW/BW2 Found out what March 4th was highlighted for.

    I don't think so. If that was the case, why would they confirm North America and not Europe, when Europe supposedly, is release 2 days before? And the highlighted calendar, most likely doesn't refer to European release date. That could be highlighted for a number of reasons.
  2. C

    BW/BW2 English Names For Revealed Pokemon

    Sorry, the ones I posted, are infact real. Unless they decided to change a name of the legends which wouldn't make since because its already programmed in the game, and their trademarked.
  3. C

    BW/BW2 English Names For Revealed Pokemon All of them are parked pages. Just like Reshiram, Zekrom, and Zoroark were before they were linked to If you check the domain history, they were trademarked back in August before the game...
  4. C

    BW/BW2 English Names For Revealed Pokemon

    Meloetta is the official english name. It was trademarked by Nintendo. Along with Genesect. Not Genosect.
  5. C

    (1) Pokemon 'Black' and 'White' Game Coverage Begins! [9/17]

    Nintendo: -_- Really? Really? REALLY?!
  6. C

    (2) August CoroCoro Scans, Basurao Revealed from 'Black' and 'White' Demos [7/8]

    Are you kidding me? Their both water types, both pink, both fish, both shaped like hearts, yet their not related?! OMG -_-
  7. C

    (2) August CoroCoro Scans, Basurao Revealed from 'Black' and 'White' Demos [7/8]

    I'm saying that all logical signs point to Mamambou being Luvdisc evolution. What would be the purpose of creating another Pink Heart Shaped fish and have it become a completely separate pokemon from a weaker Pink Heart shaped fish from a previous generation with no evolution? There is...
  8. C

    (2) August CoroCoro Scans, Basurao Revealed from 'Black' and 'White' Demos [7/8]

    So your saying if its not confirmed in this EXACT issue its not true? Basically, if they don't confirm in now, then its not happening right? Btw, that was 2006. Its 2010 and a whole new Generation. Things aren't going to be exactly the same. Don't be surprised when September 18th comes around...
  9. C

    (2) August CoroCoro Scans, Basurao Revealed from 'Black' and 'White' Demos [7/8]

    It baffles me honestly. Its like comparing Charmander and Charmeleon and someone says: "nope, they aren't related in anyway. Theres no possible way Charmander would evolve into Charmeleon" Despite BOTH being Red dragons with flames on its tail. And the fact people fight so hard against...
  10. C

    (2) August CoroCoro Scans, Basurao Revealed from 'Black' and 'White' Demos [7/8]

    Mamambou is obviously Luvdisc's evolution. I find it absolutely ridiculous for someone to deny something so blatantly obvious.