(2) August CoroCoro Scans, Basurao Revealed from 'Black' and 'White' Demos [7/8]

Clear photos of the August issue of CoroCoro magazine are now leaking on 2ch. They are photos of the "Master Document" that CoroCoro promised last month; however, the document does not contain any new Pokemon for Internet fans as all of them were revealed through trailers, leaks, television, etc. Translations are courtesy of Sabonea Masukippa. If there are any new photos, they'll be posted immediately, so check back once in a while!

I knew it. So what I said was true about every Pokemon going to revealed in this "Master Document" thingum being already shown in the collage picture with the whole lot of Pokemon we ALREADY know. Damn it I waited for the scans for one whole month for bloody nothing. COROCORO WTH ARE YOU DOING.

I feel like crying T.T
dividePower said:
Clear photos of the August issue of CoroCoro magazine are now leaking on 2ch. They are photos of the "Master Document" that CoroCoro promised last month; however, the document does not contain any new Pokemon for Internet fans as all of them were revealed through trailers, leaks, television, etc. Translations are courtesy of Sabonea Masukippa. If there are any new photos, they'll be posted immediately, so check back once in a while!

I knew it. darn it I waited for the scans for one whole month for bloody nothing. COROCORO WTH ARE YOU DOING.

...so what exactly is on the supposed other 25 or so pages?
Weyard said:
he said that the "master document" page didn't have anything new on it. The rest of the magazine has yet to be shown. I'm sure there were more than 3 pages.
So the leaks will carry on my weyward son? At least there will be peace when the scans of the "isshu" are done. It's almost bed time for me so i'll lay my weary head to rest. Guys there are more pages so don't cry no more.
Playerking95 said:
So the leaks will carry on my weyward son? At least there will be peace when you are done. It's almost bed time for me so i'll lay my weary head t rest. Guys there are more pages so don't cry no more.

I just hope your not making fun because Weyard is like Weyward because I hear enough about that elsewhere XD. Weyard is the name of the world in the Golden Sun series, just thought I'd clarify that.

I read somewhere that Mantyke was treated in a similar manner to "the luvdisc evo", it wasnt mentioned that he was related to Mantine until some time later. I'l try to find a link to something talking about this.
Anyway heres the quote I read it from. Dunno where this guy got his sources though.

"Don’t forget that neither Mantyke, nor Electivire were confirmed to be related to Mantine and Electabuzz until much much later, after their reveals. So Mamanbou could still be an evolution."
dividePower said:
Clear photos of the August issue of CoroCoro magazine are now leaking on 2ch. They are photos of the "Master Document" that CoroCoro promised last month; however, the document does not contain any new Pokemon for Internet fans as all of them were revealed through trailers, leaks, television, etc. Translations are courtesy of Sabonea Masukippa. If there are any new photos, they'll be posted immediately, so check back once in a while!

I knew it. darn it I waited for the scans for one whole month for bloody nothing. COROCORO WTH ARE YOU DOING.
I'm really dissapointed from CoroCoro.They could show only one or two but thanks for the info.
We still miss the full page of Aloe and another with Dento and one with Team Plasma and with Musical+ more??
Weyard said:
I just hope your not making fun because Weyard is like Weyward because I hear enough about that elsewhere XD. Weyard is the name of the world in the Golden Sun series, just thought I'd clarify that.
Sorry i thought no one had said that yet. Yay can't wait but yeah i really have to go to bed soon school tomorrow.
Maybe WPM could confirm whether he means there's no new pokemon AT ALL in this month's corocoro, or that's there's no new pokemon on the pages currently posted on the main page?
Water Pokémon Master said:
What's your problem? I've said 10 times Electivire was not revealed to be Electabuzz's evolution until much later.

I am aware that they didn't reveal Electivire to be an evo until "much later" after it was first announced, however, there was no information page about Electivire in a Corocoro magazine prior to the one where it confirmed an Electabuzz evolution. There was no information page stating Electivire's type and ability but left out the relation to Electabuzz. However with Mamanbo, we have it's type, the kind of Pokemon it is, and it's abilities. They logically would have anounced it was a Luvdisc evo this time, a month before the game's release, as they announced Electivire as an Electabuzz evo in the issue the month before D/P's release.

Crayons said:
It baffles me honestly. Its like comparing Charmander and Charmeleon and someone says: "nope, they aren't related in anyway. Theres no possible way Charmander would evolve into Charmeleon" Despite BOTH being Red dragons with flames on its tail.

Ok, first of all, you are missing the big picture, and are just focusing on the physical similarities and ignoring all else.

I refuse to believe Mamanbo is Luvdisc's evo because they stated that this gen would be Isshu only Pokemon until after the national dex, and it defies logic that they would be showing an evolution to a past gen after making such a profound announcement.

And yes, they DID show Electivire before D/P, however there were several differences. First of all, it was NOT announced that D/P would be "4th gen only" or that "some Pokemon will only be available after the national dex". So it was logical at that time to see something physically similar to an existing Pokemon and assume it was related, however with Mamanbo it is not the case.
Tarazuma said:
I am aware that they didn't reveal Electivire to be an evo until "much later" after it was first announced, however, there was no information page about Electivire in a Corocoro magazine prior to the one where it confirmed an Electabuzz evolution. There was no information page stating Electivire's type and ability but left out the relation to Electabuzz. However with Mamanbo, we have it's type, the kind of Pokemon it is, and it's abilities. They logically would have anounced it was a Luvdisc evo this time, a month before the game's release, as they announced Electivire as an Electabuzz evo in the issue the month before D/P's release.

Crayons said:
It baffles me honestly. Its like comparing Charmander and Charmeleon and someone says: "nope, they aren't related in anyway. Theres no possible way Charmander would evolve into Charmeleon" Despite BOTH being Red dragons with flames on its tail.

Ok, first of all, you are missing the big picture, and are just focusing on the physical similarities and ignoring all else.

I refuse to believe Mamanbo is Luvdisc's evo because they stated that this gen would be Isshu only Pokemon until after the national dex, and it defies logic that they would be showing an evolution to a past gen after making such a profound announcement.

And yes, they DID show Electivire before D/P, however there were several differences. First of all, it was NOT announced that D/P would be "4th gen only" or that "some Pokemon will only be available after the national dex". So it was logical at that time to see something physically similar to an existing Pokemon and assume it was related, however with Mamanbo it is not the case.

And my response is that if Luvdisc itself and a hold item which makes it evolve, are found ONLY post-game, then it would still fit that guideline.
Tarazuma said:

I refuse to believe Mamanbo is Luvdisc's evo because they stated that this gen would be Isshu only Pokemon until after the national dex, and it defies logic that they would be showing an evolution to a past gen after making such a profound announcement.

And yes, they DID show Electivire before D/P, however there were several differences. First of all, it was NOT announced that D/P would be "4th gen only" or that "some Pokemon will only be available after the national dex". So it was logical at that time to see something physically similar to an existing Pokemon and assume it was related, however with Mamanbo it is not the case.

So your saying if its not confirmed in this EXACT issue its not true? Basically, if they don't confirm in now, then its not happening right?

Btw, that was 2006. Its 2010 and a whole new Generation. Things aren't going to be exactly the same. Don't be surprised when September 18th comes around the corner and its FACT that Mamambou is a Mama Luvdisc.
The held item issue is neither here nor there, the issue I am focusing on is why they would be showing it in pre-release stuff after annoucing B/W would be 5th gen only.

Another factor I forgot to mention in my post is that Electivire was featured in the anime before D/P's release, thus giving it a reason to be promoted in the pre-release stuff. Luvdisc is not in the anime at this time, so there would really be no reason to be promoting it so heavily. It would be totally random and out of place to have LUVDISC, of all Pokemon, to be revealed as having an evolution despite the emphasis on the 5th gen being a new experience with all new pokemon.
Tarazuma said:
The held item issue is neither here nor there, the issue I am focusing on is why they would be showing it in pre-release stuff after annoucing B/W would be 5th gen only.

Another factor I forgot to mention in my post is that Electivire was featured in the anime before D/P's release, thus giving it a reason to be promoted in the pre-release stuff. Luvdisc is not in the anime at this time, so there would really be no reason to be promoting it so heavily. It would be totally random and out of place to have LUVDISC, of all Pokemon, to be revealed as having an evolution despite the emphasis on the 5th gen being a new experience with all new pokemon.

Crayons said:
Btw, that was 2006. Its 2010 and a whole new Generation. Things aren't going to be exactly the same. Don't be surprised when September 18th comes around the corner and its FACT that Mamambou is a Mama Luvdisc.

Do u even read what other people say??? (talking to tarazuma)
ahhhh corocoro is taking sooo long to leak. Last time we got all the scans in an only 4 hour time span
They have to start somewhere. Its my opinion that they just they just started with Luvdisc. Would you expect them, after their anouncement about it being 5th gen only, to ONLY show us new ones? Would you expect them to reveal no "new evos for old pokemon" period? To just leave that whole aspect of the game a surprise? NO. Just NO. They are going to have to start showing off "new evos for old pokemon" at some point. You have no evidence that they have not already began to do so.

rockinpikachu said:
Crayons said:
Btw, that was 2006. Its 2010 and a whole new Generation. Things aren't going to be exactly the same. Don't be surprised when September 18th comes around the corner and its FACT that Mamambou is a Mama Luvdisc.
Do u even read what other people say??? (talking to tarazuma)
Apparently not. She's been throwing around the same argument for hours despite it being shot to pieces on multiple occasions.
Crayons said:
So your saying if its not confirmed in this EXACT issue its not true? Basically, if they don't confirm in now, then its not happening right?

Btw, that was 2006. Its 2010 and a whole new Generation. Things aren't going to be exactly the same. Don't be surprised when September 18th comes around the corner and its FACT that Mamambou is a Mama Luvdisc.

I'm not saying if it's not in this issue it's not true, I'm saying that all LOGICAL signs point to it being a whole new Pokemon, rather then just "OMG PINK HEART FISH = LUVDISC EVO"

And likewise, don't be surprised when September 18th comes around and its FACT that Mamanbo is a brand new Pokemon unrelated to Luvdisc, keeping in line with the statement made about the game being 5th gen only until the ND.
I don't know how many time i'm going to have to state this just because there are no other generation Pokemon besides generation 5 before the elite for doesn't mean there evo's cant be there with out prevo's. Luvdisc's evo can be there but Luvdisc doesn't have to be.
Weyard said:
They have to start somewhere. Its my opinion that they just they just started with Luvdisc. Would you expect them, after their anouncement about it being 5th gen only, to ONLY show us new ones? Would you expect them to reveal no "new evos for old pokemon" period? To just leave that whole aspect of the game a surprise? NO. Just NO. They are going to have to start showing off "new evos for old pokemon" at some point. You have no evidence that they have not already began to do so.

This is another example of a post tarazuma will ignore
Tarazuma said:
I'm not saying if it's not in this issue it's not true, I'm saying that all LOGICAL signs point to it being a whole new Pokemon, rather then just "OMG PINK HEART FISH = LUVDISC EVO"

And likewise, don't be surprised when September 18th comes around and its FACT that Mamanbo is a brand new Pokemon unrelated to Luvdisc, keeping in line with the statement made about the game being 5th gen only until the ND.

We've been slaughtering your "logical" signs for the last two hours.