Search results

  1. L

    The top sniper in the current format (DP on)

    The results: (Drumroll please) 1. Garchomp C Lv.X with 21 votes. 2. Blastoise HSU with 12 votes. 3. Gengar SF with 11 votes. 4. Tied with six votes are Honchcrow G and Crobat G. 5. Relicanth SV with 4 votes. Special mentions go to Palkia G Lv.X, Blastiose PT, and Flygon Lv.X. Expirement with...
  2. L

    The top sniper in the current format (DP on)

    Thanks everyone... Still looking good!
  3. L

    The top sniper in the current format (DP on)

    Thanks everyone for such good replys. Best out of the five sites so far. (First day.)
  4. L

    The top sniper in the current format (DP on)

    Hello everyone. This is a sort of poll for the best snipers in the format. I am trying to get the top 5 best snipers. I will total the results from Pojo, 6P, Pokebeach, Pokegym, and TCGPlayer and you will finally know who some of the top snipers are. Here is how I except your post to be...