The top sniper in the current format (DP on)


Aspiring Trainer
Hello everyone. This is a sort of poll for the best snipers in the format. I am trying to get the top 5 best snipers. I will total the results from Pojo, 6P, Pokebeach, Pokegym, and TCGPlayer and you will finally know who some of the top snipers are. Here is how I except your post to be.

Correct Spelling
1. The "Top Sniper"
2. Why is he/she the "Top Sniper"
The post should have three "Top Snipers" in numerical order (The "Top Sniper" then the second "Top Sniper", then the third "Top Sniper". That's right, the third "Top Sniper". You are required to have a top 3 of "Top Snipers".)

Given that I made this post, I should probably start off with my "Top Snipers".

1. Garchomp C Lv.X
2. Garchomp C Lv.X is the "Top Sniper" because he has an attack that can do 80 to any pokemon (enough to O.H.K.O almost any support card) for just a DCE and an Energy Gain. Plus he has a great power that heals all your SP pokemon.

1. Empoleon Lv.X
2. Empoleon Lv.X is the second "Top Sniper" because he has an attack that can do 80 to any pokemon (enough to O.H.K.O almost any support card) for 3 water energy. Plus he has a great power that takes two cards from your opponents hand (without looking) and place them face down on the playing area for a turn.

1. Vaporeon RR
2. Vaporeon RR is the third "Top Sniper" because he has an attack that can do 60 to any pokemon (with a BTS in play) for 2 water energy. He is number three because he is pretty easy to get compared to my other "Top Snipers".

Let the sniping begin!
At least you got the right medium

(now moving)
vaporeon can only snipe something that already has damage counter(s) on it.

1. Garchomp C lv. X
Yeah, garchomps one of the fastest snipers right now. It can OHKO a claydol, and the power is nice too.

2. gengar sf
Gengar might actually be faster than garchomp, but not quite as powerful.

3. Honchkrow G
I think this is one of the most overlooked snipers in the format, until sableock came out, that is.
1. Garchomp C.

You just can't beat the 'chomp. Healing Breath, 110 Hp, 80 for 3 and 2 discard, plus he's colourless, so he can fit in any deck.

2. Flygon Lv.X

One of the overlooked snipe cards. 150 for 3 energy on a Lv.X? That's sick! That knocks out almost every Lv.X in the format. Plus, Wind Erosion is pwn.

3. Honchkrow G

He's just neat. Nothing more to say.
1.)Garchomp C Lv. X. Obviously. 80 snipe for 1? OK.

2.) Crobat G. Yes, it's a 10 snipe. However, it's a 10 snipe that costs no energy and can be reused and isn't an attack.

3.) Gengar SF. It will be even better after the format change, with no Unown G to stop it. It will, however, lose Claydol as a target.
In terms of sniping though it can get pretty easy to do 90 to anything for one energy against most decks. I think that beats Empoleon's 3 for 80.
1. Crobat G-More universal than Chomp, can be splashed into decks easily.

2. Garchomp C- Part of 2 of the biggest archtypes right now, 2 (usually) for 80

3.Relicanth SV- An easy 2 for 60 snipe against Lady Gaga :). Can do a lot of damage for a small amount of energy.
1. Garchomp C Lv.x
2. This thing is a beast. First of all, DCE being reprinted means that he can attack for one energy with Energy Gain. The fact he heals all of your SP Pokemon instantly makes it even better. Outside of SP, he can still be teched because of his colorless type, and ability to hit Pixies, Claydol, Flygon and opposing Garchomps.

1. Blastoise UL
2. A fairly underrated card, but can hit extremely hard when used right. His 100 snipe is the strongest snipe in the game, even stronger than Garchomp. He does have a heavy attack cost, but Floatzel UL/Feraligator Prime can charge him up quickly, at about T3/T4, and also keep him charged for the remainder of the game. It is a little slow, but hitting for 100 damage anywhere on the board every turn is just plain scary. A cool thing about him is that when he's knocked out, you only lose 2 Energies. Just a little thing that could be useful.

1. Relicanth SV
2. Yes, it doesn't seem as threatening as some other snipers out there. But the fact that it can one-shot Luxray GL Lv.x makes him one of the best snipers in the format. He's great against any SP variant, and will usually snipe for at least 60 damage for just 1 energy. He's easy to set up as well: Rosanne's for Relicanth/Fighting Energy, retreat, snipe. He will die fast, but he should only be used for a quick kill anyway. Overall, a great anti-SP tech.
Gengar SF definitely.
Honchkrow G and Blastoise are both acceptable.
Empoleon X really is bad because of the high energy cost, and is now just a shadow of Blastoise.
Vaporeon was never good.
1. Crobat G
If this counts as a sniper, definitely one, not limited to SP decks like Garchomp (Garchomp does very little outside of SP, maybe with Gengar)

2. Garchomp C X
Fast, heals, snipes fast, but can be countered easily in other SP decks.

3. PGX or Blastoise PL
Surprised that no one has mentioned these, 80 snipe is better than Empoleon and can lock without harm with its power. Blastoise can snipe 2 and has a great power.
1.) Blastoise UL (If you can build it up)
2.) Garchomp C Lv.X
3.) Crobat G, since it is not an attack
The results: (Drumroll please)
1. Garchomp C Lv.X with 21 votes.
2. Blastoise HSU with 12 votes.
3. Gengar SF with 11 votes.
4. Tied with six votes are Honchcrow G and Crobat G.
5. Relicanth SV with 4 votes.
Special mentions go to Palkia G Lv.X, Blastiose PT, and Flygon Lv.X. Expirement with these cards, build decks with them, and always remember that the top sniper is, Garchomp C Lv.X!!!
landmin said:
The results: (Drumroll please)
1. Garchomp C Lv.X with 21 votes.
2. Blastoise HSU with 12 votes.
3. Gengar SF with 11 votes.
4. Tied with six votes are Honchcrow G and Crobat G.
5. Relicanth SV with 4 votes.
Special mentions go to Palkia G Lv.X, Blastiose PT, and Flygon Lv.X. Expirement with these cards, build decks with them, and always remember that the top sniper is, Garchomp C Lv.X!
Relicanth is an aweful sniper. Seriously, any smart SP player wont play more than 1 energy gain at a time.