Search results

  1. K

    Round 1 Tourney Pairings!!

    I didn't sign up for this (as far as I remember) so I forfeit my round to #1Weavile
  2. K

    List of Networks?

    Opened a room for (hopefully) more advanced players to testo ut new deck ideas. Feel free to join. Room is KleinerCards Pass is pokemans
  3. K

    Dead rooms blow.

    So i'm trying to find people to play with the last day or two and almost all of the rooms I find are full or dead. As such, i've opened up my own roo. I will prune the listings often and am looking for plaers who already know how to play. i'm not here to teach you the TCG, i'm here to test...
  4. K

    New sets

    Is it possible to manually add cards from the new sets into Redshark?
  5. K


    Teching in Growbat G is a great idea, but then i've gotta regear the deck around SP pokemon because of Poketurn. If Claydol wasn't being rotated I would try Honchkrow G+Aerodactyl.. but meh.
  6. K


    I don't like Honchkrow G because it's reliant on the target to already have damage counters.. and Relicanth is nice but it's a tech against tools, and I already have something for that.
  7. K


    The sarcasm really isn't necessary. I knew about Luxchomp decks but I didn't think of Gengar. I want to avoid SP/G/C/ect pokemon if I can.. I dunno, with how rampant they are, I'd rather go for a rogue deck. If it comes down to it, though, I may utilize Garchomp C LvX.. I want to base the...
  8. K


    So, i really like the idea of sniping decks. I've been looking at alot of options and noticed a few cards I like, specifically Drapion Lv.X. Doing damage to the defending plus damaging a bench.. add in Metagross and you can 1HKO any basic with 60HP or less, and can easily 2hit Claydols and so on...