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Aspiring Trainer
So, i really like the idea of sniping decks. I've been looking at alot of options and noticed a few cards I like, specifically Drapion Lv.X. Doing damage to the defending plus damaging a bench.. add in Metagross and you can 1HKO any basic with 60HP or less, and can easily 2hit Claydols and so on while also hitting the defending for a minimum of 40 maximum of 80 (depending on energy use and presence of Darkrai Lv.X).

What are some other good cards that can snipe? if they work into a dark deck well i'd be smitten.

Also, i realize that sniping is not very effective in the current metagame. i'm more concerned about the deck being fun than uber, otherwise I would run LuxChomp and be done with it.
Palkia G Lv. X and Garchomp C Lv. X are excellent snipers. Both of them hit for 80 to anything, so it's not hard to take out a tech or 3 with them.
The sarcasm really isn't necessary. I knew about Luxchomp decks but I didn't think of Gengar.

I want to avoid SP/G/C/ect pokemon if I can.. I dunno, with how rampant they are, I'd rather go for a rogue deck. If it comes down to it, though, I may utilize Garchomp C LvX..

I want to base the deck around Honchkrow's Darkness Restore. But I may end up going Drapion/Garchomp and not bother with Darkness restore at all. With a stadium Drapion can have free retreat allowing for easy swapping between Garchomp's free retreat and let Drapion attack between Garchomps Cooldowns.
I don't like Honchkrow G because it's reliant on the target to already have damage counters.. and Relicanth is nice but it's a tech against tools, and I already have something for that.
kleiner said:
The sarcasm really isn't necessary. I knew about Luxchomp decks but I didn't think of Gengar.

I want to avoid SP/G/C/ect pokemon if I can.. I dunno, with how rampant they are, I'd rather go for a rogue deck. If it comes down to it, though, I may utilize Garchomp C LvX..

I want to base the deck around Honchkrow's Darkness Restore. But I may end up going Drapion/Garchomp and not bother with Darkness restore at all. With a stadium Drapion can have free retreat allowing for easy swapping between Garchomp's free retreat and let Drapion attack between Garchomps Cooldowns.

Moonlight is geting rotated.
Emoleon from Platinum. A deck based off of that made top cut at Nats. (I played it, and I beat it, but it worked pretty well.)
kleiner said:
I don't like Honchkrow G because it's reliant on the target to already have damage counters.. and Relicanth is nice but it's a tech against tools, and I already have something for that.

usually after a crobat g drop
Teching in Growbat G is a great idea, but then i've gotta regear the deck around SP pokemon because of Poketurn. If Claydol wasn't being rotated I would try Honchkrow G+Aerodactyl.. but meh.
kleiner said:
I don't like Honchkrow G because it's reliant on the target to already have damage counters.. and Relicanth is nice but it's a tech against tools, and I already have something for that.


4 Honchkrow G
4 Crobat G
2 Skuntank G

4 Poketurn
4 Good Rod

You were saying?
You could try out BlastGatr, it is still underplayed and can snipe for high amounts of damage each turn.
Cacturne PL anyone DCE hit for 50

Please, don't revive threads that are older than 2 weeks. omahanime
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