Search results

  1. Ryu Hayabusa


    Good trader +1
  2. Ryu Hayabusa


    +1 Good trader
  3. Ryu Hayabusa

    Ryu Hayabusa's Trade List! (New Undaunted Stuff! Please Check My List!)

    To both of you: The main thing I need right now is Luxray GL.
  4. Ryu Hayabusa

    The Wii Man1234

    +1 For being ultra quick!
  5. Ryu Hayabusa


    Super fast! +1 Packaged like a champ.
  6. Ryu Hayabusa

    Ryu Hayabusa's Trade List! (New Undaunted Stuff! Please Check My List!)

    Updated! Sorry 80, I just updated my list, so now you can check there and makes some offers.
  7. Ryu Hayabusa

    Ryu Hayabusa's Trade List! (New Undaunted Stuff! Please Check My List!)

    Oh dude, I forgot to take down what I recently traded. I need to update my list.
  8. Ryu Hayabusa

    ~~ 80baby

    RE: 80baby Good trader as always +1
  9. Ryu Hayabusa

    Ryu Hayabusa's Trade List! (New Undaunted Stuff! Please Check My List!)

    Kitten: Sorry, I didn't see much. 80baby: I see 2 Luxray GL, 3 pokemon collector if you have them, and a looker's investigation. Also, I see the md sleeves.
  10. Ryu Hayabusa

    1 Uxie X, and 2 Luxray X

    Close this thread please.
  11. Ryu Hayabusa

    Ryu Hayabusa's Trade List! (New Undaunted Stuff! Please Check My List!)

    Ok Wii man: My: Cyrus, 3 dos, Registeel, Regice, Time Reverse Dialga, RH DCE, and Jumpluff Your: 2 call, 3 warps, and 2 tombs. Also, do you have 3 Looker's investigations? I also have a RH SSU.
  12. Ryu Hayabusa

    Ryu Hayabusa's Trade List! (New Undaunted Stuff! Please Check My List!)

    Ok well if you took out DGX, but the trade values be equal? I really want this trade.
  13. Ryu Hayabusa

    Ryu Hayabusa's Trade List! (New Undaunted Stuff! Please Check My List!)

    Ok Wii man: My: Cyrus, 3 dos, Registeel, Regice, Time Reverse Dialga, RH DCE, and Jumpluff Your: DGX, 2 call, 3 warps, and 2 tombs. Also, do you have 3 Looker's investigations? Good?
  14. Ryu Hayabusa

    Ryu Hayabusa's Trade List! (New Undaunted Stuff! Please Check My List!)

    Sorry man. I can't help you there.
  15. Ryu Hayabusa

    Ryu Hayabusa's Trade List! (New Undaunted Stuff! Please Check My List!)

    Pretty good from where I see it. Are you going to add the Spiritombs?
  16. Ryu Hayabusa

    1 Uxie X, and 2 Luxray X

    I will give this one more day just to see if anyone is willing to compete. The lowest offers win.
  17. Ryu Hayabusa

    Ryu Hayabusa's Trade List! (New Undaunted Stuff! Please Check My List!)

    I have a RH DCE, and Charizard for you.