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Ryu Hayabusa's Trade List! (New Undaunted Stuff! Please Check My List!)

Oh, do you have any RH Candies, or RH BTS.

Some deal sweeteners , Time reverse Dialgia, and to upgrade my Jumpluff HGSS

And you don't have blaziken X anymore??

And do you have any thing I want that is unlisted like uxie X, Gigas Drag off promos Etc...

Edit, Sorry no longer interested in KGL I just found out a kid at legues has 6 complete sets and will trade them very lightly.
Do you have any of these in rh?

Charmander AR x4
Quilava GS x2
Palmers x1
Pokémon communication x3
Bebe's search x3 LP only
Rare Candy x4
Collector x4
BTS x1
Luxury Ball x1
Cyndaquil GS x2
Stark mountain x2
Ok Wii man:

My: Cyrus, 3 dos, Registeel, Regice, Time Reverse Dialga, RH DCE, and Jumpluff

Your: DGX, 2 call, 3 warps, and 2 tombs. Also, do you have 3 Looker's investigations?

Ok Wii man:

My: Cyrus, 3 dos, Registeel, Regice, Time Reverse Dialga, RH DCE, and Jumpluff

Your: 2 call, 3 warps, and 2 tombs. Also, do you have 3 Looker's investigations? I also have a RH SSU.
Please CML for:

Broken Time Space x5
Prof. Oaks Visit x1 (1RH)
Interviewer's Questions x1 (1RH)
Super Scoop Up x2 (2RH)
Luxury Ball x1
Roseanne's Research x5 (1RH)
Judge x1 (1RH)
Conductive Quarry (1RH)
CML for the following

2x Garchomp C X (PACK)
3x Umbreon (UD)
5x BTS
5x Poke Turn
1x Garchomp C (RH)
3x Jumpluff (HGSS)
1x Regice (LA)
2x Uxie (LA)(PACK)
1x Azelf (LA)(RH)
Kitten: Sorry, I didn't see much.

80baby: I see 2 Luxray GL, 3 pokemon collector if you have them, and a looker's investigation.

Also, I see the md sleeves.
2x Garchomp C X (PACK)
2x Umbreon (UD)
5x BTS

2x Luxray GL
1x Lookers
1x MD Sleeves (SEALED)