Search results

  1. Darkwalker

    I randomly got this:

    I recieved the analysis I sent in to AVG regarding Redshark. Here is the result: AVG Anti-virus Research Lab has analyzed the file(s) you have sent from your AVG Virus Vault. Below you can find the results for each file. The final verdict on the file is either a correct detection or a false...
  2. Darkwalker

    Redshark problems

    Redshark 2.11 seems to be infected with a Trojan virus. Redshark is not working because your virus protection removed the Redshark.exe from your computer. I've sent the Virus notification into AVG for analysis. Hopefully this issue is resolved soon, because until that Redshark is out of...
  3. Darkwalker

    I randomly got this:

    I got the same warning and have send it in to AVG for analysis. I also found that removing Redshark left most of the files still on my computer (not including the deck list files, as expected). I had to restart my computer before it would allow me to delete the redshark folder as well, Windows...
  4. Darkwalker

    Wednesday, 2/6, Spring DP Tins Update - New Darkrai Alternate Art Card

    Is there an estimated release date for these?
  5. Darkwalker

    Monday, 6/4, Next Year's Modified, Japan Getting EX PK

    Wow, Metagross Ex went from having not one, but two very good non Ex evolutions to play with to absolutely none! I'm dissapointed DS and LM are rotating as DS is probably the best overall set out currently. Whether you want to admit it or not the Holon Engine made some decks playable, losing...
  6. Darkwalker

    what do you think is the best card in EX PK

    Best Ex: Absol Ex ---> extremely versatile and it works well in waves, plus it's a good tech Best Trainer: Steven's Advice ---> works so good right now with all the castform DD decks Best non-Ex pokemon: Mawile ---> works really well to help set up and to disrupt your opponent
  7. Darkwalker

    Which pack do you think will be banned and which have been banned?

    If you mean banned as not in modified legal, then the current format is every set from Deoxys through Power Keepers. If you don't know which sets those are go to the main page here and check out the left tab under the Ex series. No one knows what the next Modified format will be once...
  8. Darkwalker

    Flygon Ex d vs. Dragonite Ex d

    As of right now I think I have to give the slight edge to Flygon Ex d.  True, it has to be combined with other cards to make it work the best, but what pokemon out there doesn't?  Another important fact is that those combos are already present.  If Jotleon Ex or Flygon d didns't exist then maybe...
  9. Darkwalker

    Ruling Booster Dilemma

    The new tins, with the D/P teaser cards, have a nice mix of packs in them.  2 Power Keepers, 1 Dragon Frontiers, 1 Delta Species.  Power Keepers are nice right now because they are new, so they trade pretty decently.  Dragon Frontiers is a power set, all the Ex's can have decks built around them...
  10. Darkwalker


    Helping to prevent netdecking?  Sorry, but I don't see it here.  If anything, it would condense the 40 odd Metanite/Delta/Flygon threads that last a day or so in the deck help section into one area.  I use the other site's archtype section more for a starting point and a strategy review rather...
  11. Darkwalker

    D/P pre-release

    Unfortunately, it also seems to be incorrect regarding the dates. I've been told the by my local Gym leader (and TO) that the D/P prerelease dates are the weekends of May 12th-13th and May 19th-20th.
  12. Darkwalker


    I would say any "name" deck that is common knowlegde could be considered an archtype. While Mercury might not be a big winner in tournaments, it's still a known deck strategy so I would consider it an archtype. Current archtypes that I can think of of the top of my head are Metanite, Flygon Ex...
  13. Darkwalker

    Ruling The Current Metagame

    The closest things I can think of as being in the majority of decks out there are Windstorm, Rare Candy, Holon's Castform, and the Holon Engine in various stages. Latilock is incresingly popular, due to all the Ex based decks and disruptive pokebodies like Houndoom's Lonesome.
  14. Darkwalker

    This question is for the Poke-Guru's!

    The starter decks that can be purchased are not built for competive Modified tournaments, they are meant to teach new players the general concepts of the game.  Typically they are purchased by newer players to get a couple specific cards contained in the deck and basic energy if someone else...
  15. Darkwalker


    While it doesn't have Safeguard, Shuckle's (UF) Extra-tight pokebody does almost the same thing.
  16. Darkwalker

    What do you think are the best and most consistent decks in the format?

    I doubt you will see a definative list for Destiny until some time after Regionals. The people playing Destiny are using the suprise factor during tournaments to help them win.
  17. Darkwalker

    What do you think are the best and most consistent decks in the format?

    Metanite is by far the most consistant deck in format right now. The main core of the deck is small enough to tech it for just about anything if you know what you are up against. Fast setups, lots of search by the main attacker in the deck, energy acceleration from the secondary...
  18. Darkwalker

    celio or PETM ?

    Why did you color one of your lines yellow on a white backgroud? Please edit that out. As for the poll, it all depends on what deck you are running. Holon Researcher and Holon Mentor are both superior to either of those in the right deck. If your deck contains Ex pokemon then PETM has a...
  19. Darkwalker

    Wednesday, 2/28, DP2: The Mystery of the Lakes Scans, Kadabra Extinct

    While I can't be sure based on the scans provided, it looks like Alakazam says it eveolves from Kadabra in the upper left of the Stage 2 card. If Kadabra was a legal matter, I would think any reference to Kadabra on Alakazam would also violate that. Therefore, I expect that there will be a...
  20. Darkwalker

    Best set released so far

    RE: The best deck Well, everything not named Sceptile Ex