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  1. F

    heallix blissey steelix prime states seniors

    What do all of u think of this adding a 2-1-2 jumpluff for a quick attacker
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    heallix blissey steelix prime states seniors

    So keep the 2 2 and I can discard energy then attach a dce then energy. Steam
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    heallix blissey steelix prime states seniors

    Thx so run 4 blissey pl
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    heallix blissey steelix prime states seniors

    4-4 steelix prime 4-4 blissey prime and blissey pl 2 each 1 azalf 1 uxie 1-0-1 nidoqueen 1 relacanth call of legands 2 skarmery call of legands trainers and supporters 4 bebes 3 pont 2 dual ball 3 life herb 3 warp point 1 switch energy 4 sp.metal 4 metal 2 rescue 1 warp...
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    steeldra seniors states (steelix prime kingdra)

    Thx I'm changing it to the top cut at worlds healix deck[hr] Im thinking also about putting 1 1 palkia g[hr] OK after reading all ur comments I'm using heal power over water
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    steeldra seniors states (steelix prime kingdra)

    RE: steeldra seniors states put 1 dc by the prime
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    steeldra seniors states (steelix prime kingdra)

    4-4 steelix prime 1-1 scizor prime 2-1-2 kingdra prime w/la 1-0-1 nidoqueen 2 uxie 1 azalf Trainers and supporters 4 candy 4 bebes search 4 pont 2 copycat 1 dual ball 4 expert belt 3 warp 1 switch Energy 4 sp.metal 4 metal 3 dce only had 3 5 water 1 warp The stratigy is to...
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    legendary flychamp (seniors cities)

    4-2-3-1 flygon lv.x 2 dialga/palkia legend 2-1 uxie lv.x 2 spirtomb 2-1-2 machamp 2-1 mewtwo lv.x 1 Newport Trainers and supporters 4 candies 3 bebes search 2 expert belt 2 seeker 1 volkners 1 collector Energies 5 metal 1 sp.metal 8 fighting 6 psychic Okay the main...
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    flygon deck cities seniors

    I'm thinking just keeping my flychamp but removing scizor and donphan and adding 1 machanp and 2-1 mewtwo
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    flygon deck cities seniors

    Thx I'm going to try to throw in mewtwo
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    flygon deck cities seniors

    RE: flygon deck Thx 1st post stratagy is donkey or mess shit up
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    flygon deck cities seniors

    4-2-3-1 flygon 2-1-2 machamp 1-1 donphan prime 2-2 scizor prime 2 spirtomb 1 unown r 1 mespirt 1-1-1 metagross sv 4 candy 3 bebe'$ 1 PONT 1 seeker 1 volkners 1 collector 1 expert belt 2 basic metal 4 special metal 3 rescue 2 DCE The stratagy is ethier donk or evolve quick as...