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  1. R

    The bebebs search one its better lol

    The bebebs search one its better lol
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    Hey im game for a match now on play TCG if you are

    Hey im game for a match now on play TCG if you are
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    TyphloRam (Typhlosion - Reshiram) HGSS on

    RE: TyphloRam (Typhlosion - Reshiram) HGSS on (Needs age division in thread title) I like the list, use the vulpix that knows singe its a pain for your opponent and btw i warn you if a certain someone comments on your post, be prepared to see some interesting responses to said person
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    Dude im down and I got your back, its cause he was foreign lol

    Dude im down and I got your back, its cause he was foreign lol
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    YanPhan (Yanmega/Donphan/Slowking)

    DUDE Hush No one cares about your post if he says he dosent want to talk about it anymore then respect his wish and dont be a troll, stop shoving your deck down everyone's throat no one CARES, your just being an annoying troll. Give some help to the deck that hes posted or get of the Thread...
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    YanPhan (Yanmega/Donphan/Slowking)

    lol no problem at all it just helps a lot and like i said you use it when you need to and if you dont just junk arm it away lol
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    Reedsteal Trade thread

    Hey everyone this is what i have for trade if i have anything you want let me know!! Whats up for trade is: 4 Donphan Primes 4 Machamp Primes 3 Yanmega prime ( I cant believe its gotten so good) 3 Magnazone Prime 1 Gengar prime 1 mew Prime 2 Ursaring Prime 1 T tar Prime 2...
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    YanPhan (Yanmega/Donphan/Slowking)

    I also think you need on cleffa in here I know donphan does not play well with babies, he actually kills them in rage but I think its great if you need to get rid of that bad start or you need to get a hand mid game and you dont hit a supporter, and either way when catcher comes out babies are...
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    YanPhan (Yanmega/Donphan/Slowking)

    If you can actually dmg them long enough, since Yanmega only does 40 dmg to one bench poke in single turn. While reshiram swarm can constantly do 120 dmg to your active yanmegas (Atleast from T3 if not T2). and Donphan's earthquake only hits your benched pokes. T1 judge indeed doesn't...
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    YanPhan (Yanmega/Donphan/Slowking)

    Really you just need to take yourself somewhere, all you do is talk about how amazing your deck is and you never help anyone. so your decks good cool, thanks for stating that everywhere on here now move on. and btw you wont play anyone online with it cause you dont trust online consistency? well...
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    Its Official!!!! Rotations will be July 1st

    Its official everyone, the Rotation will happen July First and It will be HGSS onward :)
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    Donchamp help??

    Consistency thats whats going to make decks in the format good, you want to start with it so you want to run four of it, and after you retreat it and send up a donphan and earthquake you can go collector and get the another one or two put them on your bench and and then be able to have 5 damaged...
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    Donchamp help??

    I run a donchamp deck as well and well mine is very different from yours lol Mine looks like this 4-4 Donphan Prime 3-2-3 Machamp Prime 4 stanler ( preferred starter so you can get a full bench turn one) T/S/S 3 Pokemon Collector 3 Professor Juniper 3 Professor Elm's...
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    Pokemon Center (HB 51/52)

    RE: Pokemon Center (?/?) I can not wait for this card!! My donphans say hello lol
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    Should Pokemon Catcher be Banned?

    The only Problem I see with lunatone and Solrock is that you can just Cather them up and kill very easily and I am excited for the staduim because I love to pressure with donphans earthquake attack I just hate the draw back >.>
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    Should Pokemon Catcher be Banned? Translation: Each player removes 1 damage counter from each of his or her Benched Pokémon at the end of his or her turn. I hope it comes out in this next set but it probably wont >.> but im hoping hard core, and also when you look at...
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    Should Pokemon Catcher be Banned?

    There is some stadium that has been released as an online image, its pretty much Supierors Ability in stadium forum, and I actully do plan on playing Donphan Yanmega or Yanmega jumfluff, so at least half of my deck will have free retreat and when catcher comes out everyone will play switch, (...
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    The Age of Donphan Prime

    Yes a fellow Donphan lover!!! and well there is no one to challenge here
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    The Age of Donphan Prime

    And that is why I play Donphan Yanmega :) sept I have never played against someone using the anti meta deck I must Skype battle you sometime I need some other people to play against lol
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    The Age of Donphan Prime

    I wanted to get everyones Opinion on how you think this Pokemon will do in the new Format. Yes we all know the many Many combinations with this Pokemon. There is Donphan and Machamp. Donphan and Kingdra. Donphan Yanmega and yes even Donphan Magnazone and many other builds that I dont have time...