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  1. P

    Counter to Machamp Reuniclus

    When Pokémon catcher comes out everyone will be running switch....
  2. P

    Professor Juniper from Black & White (#101) [6/3]

    1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played? I love this card, it is constantly getting me out of trouble, it comes up great when you need it, And if you can learn to just let go of the cards in your hand when they're not as good as...
  3. P

    What will people run after the rotation?

    zoroark cinccino pichu and pokemon catcher
  4. P

    What will people run after the rotation?

    magnezone burns through a lot of energy and since the new rotation there are going to be a lot of big hitters w/ big hp, making it use even more energy for a prize and not being able to get them back is a big disadvantage. mewbee is a really interesting one that i dont think is super popular...
  5. P

    Counter to Machamp Reuniclus

    just wait for pokemon catcher. or use pokemon reversal and sweep out machops and take em out early. if you didn't know pokemon catcher is pokemon reversal with out of the flip. or it's equivalent would be gust of wind from base set.