What will people run after the rotation?


Aspiring Trainer
We all know the rotation is coming up in July so what do you think people will run? What do you think is a good deck to run? Reshiram Emboar? Or Zekrom Pachirisu Shaymin? Tell me forum.
Reshiboar, Donchamp, Lostgar, etc. The ones that people use now besides Luxchomp and Sabledonk.

EDIT: Forgot about Magneboar
Kingbuzz is my current HGSS-On deck
I have a blastgatr built aswell :)

So thoes are going to be my 2 decks to start next season with, finally got a 2-2 RDL so am hoping to make a deck based around RDL, this deck will mainly be for funplay though (unless it turns out to be like super godlike lol)
Chinchinno and jumpluff.

although broken time space will be long gone from rotation, i think they can still be used to some extend (I'm refering to jumpluff here!)
Blastgatr/BlastZel, Magneboar, BOOM, Ciccino, Jumpluff, Donphan, T-Tar/Mandibuzz, Zekrom Donk, Reshiboar, Beartic Troll, Lostgar, etc.
How can BOOM be ran when that Forretress is from Legends Awakened....?
^LOLZ good point.

I'm running the following decks:

Chandelure/Drifblim UD
Samugatr (maybe)
Tangboar (Tangrowth/Emboar)
Ill be running Magneboar & Mewgar.

... M&M!

other than that many that has been said already, i personally think Exadrill/Amphoras/Crush Hammer might be good. Energy Disruption.
I'm running Cinccino and Magnegatr (as separate decks). They will be big now. I may also run Lostgar.
I think that Donphan will start to be used a lot. (Maybe) The same with Reshiboar. I really don't know a lot about this stuff, but I am slowly starting to learn.

I will personally try to start running Lostgar (as soon as I get all of the cards, I have most of them) and maybe Samugatr.
I think the big 5 will be reshiboar, zekdonk, donchamp, lostgar and magnegatr. but honestly, there are so many decks with so much potential in this new rotation. I'm so excited :)

however, I don't think straight cinccino will do very well. jumccino will do good but cinccino alone can't compare to any of the big 5. they just have too much hp. and by turn 1 to get evolved to cinccino, they're have noticed your plan with minccino being out, and they'll put a bunch of pokemon out so they don't get T2 donked....(but then you throw out jumpluff and they're stuck :] which is why you need jumccino)
Oh lostgar :) I will be running this at some point to :D
Have always been a fan of gengar, Vilegar was my first decent competitive deck, so lostgar will be my only option to continue my gengar fandom, I get a Triumphant box for my birthday in 15 days, so fingers crossed i luck out and get like 2x gengar primes and a mew to start building towards lostgar
magnezone burns through a lot of energy and since the new rotation there are going to be a lot of big hitters w/ big hp, making it use even more energy for a prize and not being able to get them back is a big disadvantage.

mewbee is a really interesting one that i dont think is super popular just yet but is very quick hitting.
Ghost Bear said:
I think the big 5 will be reshiboar, zekdonk, donchamp, lostgar and magnegatr. but honestly, there are so many decks with so much potential in this new rotation. I'm so excited :)

however, I don't think straight cinccino will do very well. jumccino will do good but cinccino alone can't compare to any of the big 5. they just have too much hp. and by turn 1 to get evolved to cinccino, they're have noticed your plan with minccino being out, and they'll put a bunch of pokemon out so they don't get T2 donked....(but then you throw out jumpluff and they're stuck :] which is why you need jumccino)

zoroark cinccino pichu and pokemon catcher
still would need a lot to donk most decks or keep them on the defensive enough to not let them set up. only 100 won't be enough if they have a reshiram or zekrom staple in their deck (which a lot of people are doing) or get their stage 2 up. 4 pluspowers won't be enough to keep the damage high enough. however, this is still a competitive deck. not saying it won't work...just saying it won't be as good as others.