Search results

  1. P

    [W]: Kingdra, Tyranitar, ex, NV FAs [H]: DONPHAN, Victory Medal

    RE: Back from Nats! [W]: HP Holo Energy, Shaymin, Pachirisu, Primes! [H]: Mew, Donphan Yeah, sure. How many of each energy would you want?
  2. P

    [W]: Kingdra, Tyranitar, ex, NV FAs [H]: DONPHAN, Victory Medal

    RE: Back from Nats! [W]: HP Holo Energy, Shaymin, Pachirisu, Primes! [H]: Mew, Donphan The last set I have cards from is Call of Legends. Plenty of Collectors, Communications, stuff like that. I heard about Juniper being the new draw support almost. So, I'd like that, just Googled Energy...
  3. P

    [W]: Kingdra, Tyranitar, ex, NV FAs [H]: DONPHAN, Victory Medal

    RE: Back from Nats! [W]: HP Holo Energy, Shaymin, Pachirisu, Primes! [H]: Mew, Donphan Umm, I actually don't know. I stopped playing a few months ago, and have none of the new stuff. Most of my cards can't be used anymore. What are the new staples?
  4. P

    The PokeFactory: Need 3 Magnezone before Battle Roads and looking for EP RHs!!!!!

    RE: W:RDL Ability Boar and 2 NineTails!! Hey, from your wants I have Ninetails, Rare Candies, and many Primes/LEGENDs. I'm interested in your Prof. Junipers, Klingklangs, and Cinccinos.
  5. P

    W: reshiram ex and easy stuff H: Kyurem ex, Shiny chandelure

    RE: W: donphan prime H: FA zekrom Hey, I have Donphan Prime and Junk Arms from your wants, the Junk Arms are also RH. I'd interested in your Samurott and Boufflants.
  6. P

    [W]: Kingdra, Tyranitar, ex, NV FAs [H]: DONPHAN, Victory Medal

    RE: Back from Nats! [W]: HP Holo Energy, Shaymin, Pachirisu, Primes! [H]: Mew, Donphan Hey, from your wants I have: Donphan Prime Holo HP Lightning Energy Holo HP Water Energy RH Pokemon Collectors And I need stuff from Black and White. Do you have any of the new trainer/supporters from...
  7. P

    UPDATEd...interesting stuff inside, 6x COLLECTOR, 8x JUNK ARM ;-)

    RE: HAVE: 5x YANMEGA, 2x MAGNEZONE Hi, I don't have much from your wants and my trade thread hasn't been posted yet, but I do have holo energies and Gengar Prime, but it's an English version. I like your Emboar and Yanmega Primes.
  8. P

    3/14 Will Overtrade for Mewtwo EX!!!!!

    RE: Brendan's Trades H: Donphan Prime, Base misprints, Shadowless, etc W: Blastzel/Offers Hey, I'm new to here but I have a few things that you want. From your wants I have: Pokemon Collectors, Pokemon Communications, Copycats, Rare Candies, a few Blastoise, and I might have a Floatzel or...
  9. P

    Want: All new cards. Have: Stuff before BW.

    I live in the United States, and I’m pretty much willing to ship anywhere. {C}{F}{D}{G}{R}{W}{P}{L}{M}{C}{F}{D}{G}{R}{W}{P}{L}{M}{C}{F}{D}{G}{R}{W}{P}{L}{M}{C}{F}{G}{R}{W}{P}{L}{M}{D}{C}{F}{D}{G}{R}{W}{P}{L}{M}{C}{F}{D}{G}{R} Just getting back into the game after a break. I have absolutely...