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  1. Kimori

    Saturday - Friday, 1/26 - 2/1, Great Encounters Scans, Error, Lucario and Pokemon Traine

    RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Error Yay, Treecko! ^.^ Treecko means Sceptile Sceptile means New Grass Deck New Grass Deck means Card Finding Trouble
  2. Kimori

    Ruling Aerodactyl

    Yeah... I remember the time with Pidgeot, Dark Dragonite/Electrode, etc... And I feel kinda happy they're out! ^^' I like the new gaming style
  3. Kimori

    Ruling Aerodactyl

    OMG, I don't like the sound of this... ~_~
  4. Kimori

    Ruling Aerodactyl

    It doesn't say anything about more than one power user, so I think it's OK to give massive damage ~_~
  5. Kimori

    Ruling How many Lv.Xs?

    Agree. Example: 3 torterra and 1 Level X
  6. Kimori

    Ruling A heavy question

    OK, here's the situation: I have Masquerain (MT) in play as active and attack the opponent The unfornate one has mantine in play with its baby effect, which lets the retreat cost of his Pokémon -2 - Will that reduce the damage of Masquerain's 1st attack, which damages 20 for each retreat cost of...
  7. Kimori

    Ruling gardevoir sw attack

    that's one question I always wondered... I believe the energy's effect bolck Gradevoir's attack effect, just like any other effect I heard someone saying that it only prevents special conditions, do you think it's true?
  8. Kimori

    Wednesday, 10/24, DP3 and 4 News and Scans

    Yeah!! Sceptile!! And he rox!! I smell a new deck! I need to study this some more...
  9. Kimori

    Ruling Two Questions

    thanks... and forgive the stupidness... I'm still kinda noob in the forum ^^
  10. Kimori

    Ruling Card Spoiler

    OMG! what a monster! o_O the most close to it is Tyranitar Ex delta
  11. Kimori

    Ruling can you use Expedition master ball

    Since it came again in other colections, there's no problem
  12. Kimori

    Ruling Two Questions

    Since we're here discussing this, can I Rare Candy fossils to their stage 2? like... armored fossil to bastiodon?[hr]Forget that last question! I've seen one thread with the answer... Sorry... T_T
  13. Kimori

    Ruling Two Questions

    Ohh... I knew it... T_T Thanks, though... Now I think it's okay to continue
  14. Kimori

    Ruling Two Questions

    Hey there guys! I'm making a new deck and I need some info: 1- Can I use Rare Candy to evolve Hapiny (MT) to Blissey(MT)? 2- If I use Plus Power in Exeggutor(MT), will each heads give 40 damage or the plus 10 will only be aplied after the coins?
  15. Kimori

    what decks frightens you the most and why?

    Any Fire or Metal Deck would be a hard time to me I love usinng Grass type decks, like Meganium, Sceptile...
  16. Kimori

    Ruling Buneary

    yeah! that`s a good one! Thanks a Lot! It`s really going to help me!
  17. Kimori

    Ruling Buneary

    Hey guys! It`s nothing special at all... I just want to find a good scan of the Buneary Card from Diamond & Pearl(in a good quality, if possible) if someone knows anything or can help... TELL ME!