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  1. M


    hey there Just posting up my deck to get a few tips and tweaks that can help me for citys Pokemon 14 3 cobalion 2 terrakion 1 landorus 2 kyurem 1 victini v-create 1 shaymin 2-2 electrode prime Tss 30 3 collector 4 oak 3 twins 2 N 1 juniper 3 poke communication 2 research...
  2. M

    Nooby the truth

    yup thats pretty much it, type advantage for 2+ pokemon and then just hard hitters after that
  3. M

    Nooby the truth

    hey pokebeach peeps im new to pokemon and after 2 months of playing i have decided on running the truth for my first citys in a few weeks, just looking for and tips on how to make my deck run better and smoother, anyway here it is pokemon 27 3-1-2 vileplume 3-1-2 reuniclus 2-2 donphan...