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  1. T

    (1) First 14 'Plasma Freeze' Card Images [3/13]

    Well with 4 Deoxys EX adding 40 damage, a lazer, dark claw and just one more pokemon to discard your damage is up to a possible 240 right. Not bad damage actually. Even without the other pokemon and Lazer it's 180. All for two energy which can be powered instatly with a patch and Colress...
  2. T

    Metal weakness

    I play neither Infernape or Gyarados so my comments are neutral. Gyarados will destroy Infernape. Only Infernape X can one hit it. If you don't attack it and let it build energy then it will it will use Enrage for 110 (80 +30 weakness). If you do attack it, then it hits you with flail for...
  3. T

    Metal weakness

    Sorry to jump in. I have to agree that Infernape is tough, but how about a Magicarp that candies to Gyarados first turn. Go ahead and hit it for 80, the Infernape gets hit for 140 the next turn. Same chance to get to Gyarados turn one as Infernape and you don't need a DRE either. Just...