(1) First 14 'Plasma Freeze' Card Images [3/13]

Blui said:
NoDice said:

So? Computer Search from base was a rare, and so was Item Finder. No one complained about it. Plus what difference does it make, I'd rather pull Ghetsis as my rare than some other rare that does nothing.

Love that they've confirmed the goods this time and not the trash.

Though, to be honest, when you're really young and you open a pack of cards, I can vouch that pulling a Trainer as a rare is disheartening--even if it is a god-like trainer card. At least this was somewhat rectified by giving all recent rare trainers (excluding Ghetsis) special holo-foil treatment.

As I am older now and perhaps wiser, I will be one of many who will be seeking out a playset of this Ghestis fellow nevertheless.
So... the Exeggcute card's Ability is pretty much as it reads? So, I can use a Prof. Juniper, send it to my discard, then add it right back to my hand? You'd kinda never run into an issue of not having something to throw on your bench in a snag if you really needed to, though I'd hope I'd not have to with only 30HP. :/
A lot of people complained about Base Set's overabundance of Rare Trainers back in the day. Granted, none of them were serious players, and Plasma Freeze only has one Rare Trainer, who is decidedly more "cool" to little kids than Lass, etc.

What really bugs me is that Plasma Freeze is only 116 cards when we're behind Japan by a lot and XY is only about six months away. 116 doesn't even cover all of the Spiral Force/Thunder Knuckle-related materials...
Ghetsis might even be a holo as he was that in the trainer kit.

I wonder if we will be getting Darkrai and Giratina FA as well? That would be toooons of full arts in the set if thats the case (hopefully with better FA pulls for a box...). But I believe we might not get them as they could've easily included FA Juniper and Giratina in the Plasma Storm set to make it a bit more even?
Speculative Set List:

1-3 Weedle/Kakuna/Beedrill
4-5 Exeggcute/Exeggutor
6-8 Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile
9-10 Cacnea/Cacturne
11 Leafeon
12 Flareon
13 Heatran-EX
14-16 Litwick/Lampent/Chandelure
17 Reshiram
18-19 Horsea/Seadra
20 Vaporeon
21-22 Wooper/Quagsire
23 Glaceon
24-26 Tympole/Palpitoad/Seismitoad
27-29 Vanillite/Vanillish/Vaniluxe
30 Cryogonal
31 Kyurem
32-33 Voltorb/Electrode
34 Jolteon
35-36 Chinchou/Lanturn
37 Pachirisu
38 Thundurus-EX
39 Zekrom
40-42 Nidoran F/Nidorina/Nidoqueen
43-44 Nidoran M/Nidorino
45-46 Grimer/Muk
47 Mr. MIme
48 Espeon
49 Sableye (Plasma Battle Gift Set)
50-52 Beldum/Metang/Metagross
53 Deoxys-EX
54-57 Yamask x2/Cofagrigus x2
58 Nidoking
59-60 Mankey/Primeape
61 Onix
62-63 Makuhita/Hariyama
64 Umbreon
65-66 Sneasel/Weavile
67 Absol
68-70 Sandile/Krokorok/Krookodile
71-74 Pawniard x2/Bisharp x2
75-78 Deino x2/Zweilous/Hydreigon
79 Steelix
80 Mawile
81-83 Dratini/Dragonair/Dragonite
84 Kingdra
85-86 Latias/Latios-EX
87-88 Rattata/Raticate
89-90 Eevee x2
91-92 Hoothoot/Noctowl
93 Miltank
94 Kecleon
95-97 Starly/Staravia/Staraptor
98 Tornadus-EX
99 Float Stone
100 Frozen City
101 Ghetsis
102 Shadow Triad
103 Super Energy Retrieval
104 Team Plasma Badge
105 Team Plasma's Poke Ball
106 ???
107 Life Droplets
108 Rock Guard
109-114 Heatran/Thundurus/Deoxys/Lati@s/Tornadus FA
115-116 Ghetsis/Professor Juniper FA
117-122 Empoleon, Sigilyph, Garbodor, Garchomp, Max Potion, Ultra Ball shinies(?)

Everything pretty much lines up perfectly for Plasma Freeze to be the entirety of Spiral Force, Thunder Knuckle and the non-FA cards from the Team Plasma Gift Set. It doesn't look like there's any room for the Darkrai and Giratina full arts though. I also don't really know what that last Trainer card could be? There's an N reprint promo with new art, but that would have to be between Ghetsis and Plasma Badge and those slots are filled with two Trainers who have English names already.
Blah said:
N wouldn't affect you because the Exeggcutes are sitting in the discard, not your hand. After getting N'd, you can just snag them out of your discard and continue attacking. The low HP attackers and somewhat low damage output is what holds the deck back.

Well with 4 Deoxys EX adding 40 damage, a lazer, dark claw and just one more pokemon to discard your damage is up to a possible 240 right. Not bad damage actually. Even without the other pokemon and Lazer it's 180. All for two energy which can be powered instatly with a patch and Colress machine. The low HP does kind of suck though.
Frost said:
Speculative Set List:
Everything pretty much lines up perfectly for Plasma Freeze to be the entirety of Spiral Force, Thunder Knuckle and the non-FA cards from the Team Plasma Gift Set. It doesn't look like there's any room for the Darkrai and Giratina full arts though. I also don't really know what that last Trainer card could be? There's an N reprint promo with new art, but that would have to be between Ghetsis and Plasma Badge and those slots are filled with two Trainers who have English names already.

Yes, it's pretty much that, I also counted it myself and it seems to have all the cards from Spiral Force / Thunder Knuckle plus the cards from Plasma Gift Set... except Giratina and Darkrai FAs!!! Why? Do they even plan to release those cards? I hope they make them promos at least. Specially because that Darkrai only exists as a FA, there is no regular print of it...

The last card you don't know is probably Plasma Energy. They've been including it in every main set since Plasma Gale in Japan, so TPCi maybe decided to do the same...

It bugs me too that they didn't include more cards in the set. Like you said, we're so behind Japan but they seem to don't care about that. What's going to happen is that when XY sets come out, they will probably ignore promo cards from BW and just move on with what's new (which was what happened between the PT era and the HGSS era.

I also think it's annoying Ghetsis is a Rare. The amount of Rare Trainers in Base Set and Neo Genesis was absurd. It might not bother you players but for people like me who are more interedted in collecting, pulling a Rare Trainer or Special Energy is one of the most disappointing things in the world. I remember buying three packs of Neo Genesis and the 3 rares I got were Arcade Game, Energy Charge and Recycle Energy... great.
Plus, the point is not if Ghetsis fits as a rare. TPCi is just being greedy. They also made Plasma Raticate a Rare. How do you guys like that? Be happy pulling a Raticate as your rare... Not to mention, they changed Exeggcute to an uncommon when it was a common in Japan...
Never liked Exeggcute. Never will.
That aside, definitely buying the Japanese and English main ex from this set. I'm glad they nerfed Metagross's ability or there could be devastating effects. Plasma badge also excites me a bit.
But yes, Ghestis being a rare? That's a first.
Mooncrystal said:
So... the Exeggcute card's Ability is pretty much as it reads? So, I can use a Prof. Juniper, send it to my discard, then add it right back to my hand? You'd kinda never run into an issue of not having something to throw on your bench in a snag if you really needed to, though I'd hope I'd not have to with only 30HP. :/

You can use ultra ball.
I could see exeggcute being played as a 1-of in decks that have room, and a 2-3 of in Empoleon (if that's even a deck by plasma freeze)
Metalizard said:
The last card you don't know is probably Plasma Energy. They've been including it in every main set since Plasma Gale in Japan, so TPCi maybe decided to do the same...

Yeah, it's Plasma Energy again. For some reason I thought that the Energies weren't ordered separately from the rest of the Trainers in the BW era, but then verified that I was mistaken.

About rarities changing in the English set. People always complain about cards being bumped up to Rare status in the English version, but we need to remember that Japanese sets don't have Rare cards anymore unless they're holos. TPCi, like WOTC before them, are not going to give out a holo in every pack, so they need to promote some cards to have non-holo rares. Sometimes it's for "balance" like Ghetsis and other times it's because they usually follow a common Basic/uncommon Stage 1/rare Stage 2 plan.
^Sure, you're right. I'm aware Japan has different rarities. But TPCi, sometimes they push it. That Plasma Druddigon in Plasma Storm was a common in the jap set, and they made it a rare here...
Never mention that horrible horrible Druddigon again.
I love playing Plasma Druddigon! /sarcasm

Really though, is Pokebeach gonna leak cards again now? Or official released from site?

Also, SUPPORTER RARE?!?! Someone call the TPCI! We got an emergency here!

Opinion on cards

Exeggcute: I will be seeing this as a somewhat played card (I do like the shiny in MC though)

Chandulure: PS White kyurem. Enough said.

Thunderus EX: I still like thunder knuckle better

Deoxys EX: I still like Spiral force better

I really don't care for others. Well, too lazy to review them
I got the Japanese Deoxys EX, so I hope I can get the english one too!

This set looks really neat, can't wait for pre-releases to roll around.