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  1. D

    NOR-CAL Masters Pre Release Report! Getting ready for the new season!

    Yeah my last two pack draws sucked. Aggron and I already had him from the first six.
  2. D

    Dig is cruel (Prerelease Report)

    I don't see how Rayquaza sucks. Can't wait to use it in a regular deck for battle roads. Once I got it into play in my first two matches my opponent didn't have much of a chance. Felt kind of bad actually.
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    Fishers Indiana Pre-Release

    So this was my first real Pokemon event even since when I collected the cards and played casually with friends 10 years ago, and I must say it was really fun and well worth the price. I can't remember exactly what I pulled, but I did get a Rayquaza EX that I based my deck around. Here's an...
  4. D

    Returning Player Needs Some Help

    I'd like to look at that link as well, but I'm getting the "not accessible page". Is there anyway I can look at that?