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  1. C

    Damage Swap / Mewtwo Ex BW-on

    All makes sense to me. The reason why Id like to get this deck going is because I havnt really played pokemon since the first 4 sets so the damage swap idea seemed fun since its like Alakazam and all.
  2. C

    The Round Deck BW-on

    True that, I'm pretty excited about the new sets. I havnt played pokemon this much since the game first came out so its been a lot of fun.
  3. C

    Damage Swap / Mewtwo Ex BW-on

    i suppose ill have to keep trying until i figure something out. its pretty fast. usually by the time reuniclus has been knocked out mewtwo has enough energy to finish out the game and theres also shaymin for when im behind. so far the deck is 3-0 against a reshiboar deck.
  4. C

    Damage Swap / Mewtwo Ex BW-on

    well theres three so that helps a little bit, i was thinking super rods somewhere?
  5. C

    Damage Swap / Mewtwo Ex BW-on

    Who would you recommend instead? I have a 3-3 set of Blissey and a 3-1-3 Line of Royal Heal Serperior when it comes to healing.
  6. C

    Damage Swap / Mewtwo Ex BW-on

    Well of course. Those are all I have though for filling that spot.
  7. C

    The Round Deck BW-on

    I made this deck for fun and it actually turned out to be something I like playing with to mix it up every once in awhile. Not something you would want to play in a tournament by any means. Pokemon: 21 4 Jigglypuff NXD 4 Wigglytuff NXD 4 Tympole NV 3 Palpitoad NV 4 Seismitoad NV 2 Lapras NXD...
  8. C

    Damage Swap / Mewtwo Ex BW-on

    I'm new to this page and this is the first deck of many I plan to share. Let me know what you guys think? Pokemon: 14 2 Mewtwo Ex NXD 1 Shaymin Ex NXD 2 Tornadus EPO 2 Sableye DEX 3-1-3 Reuniclus BLW Supporters: 8 4 N 4 Professor Juniper Items: 25 2 Random Receiver 3 Rare...