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  1. gengardeckwinzz


    great trade. george is way2fresh +1 ref
  2. gengardeckwinzz

    Best deck for the $$

    yeah houndoom is probably the best cheap deck to play right right now, beats amu torterra ect. ball engine/anything that goes thru ur deck fast enough
  3. gengardeckwinzz

    Japanese booster box questions

    but comparing the english box of GE i got and the DP4 japanese box i got the rares seemed way better in the japanese box, the only bad side of japanese boxes is the limited amount of packs. even though u could pretty much ebay your garunteed X's to make your money back and still have all of the...
  4. gengardeckwinzz

    Japanese booster box questions

    i just ordered a japanese box from ebay (Paper Moon Japan to be specific) for $58 not including shipping, it should arrive tomarrow, i'll probably post what i get. Edit: a temple of anger box
  5. gengardeckwinzz

    card list for japanese DP 5 boxes temple of rage/Mystery cry anyone?

    I was thinking about buying a DP5 box but wanted to make sure what rares were in each box? anyone have the lists, i would appreciate it. ~gengar
  6. gengardeckwinzz

    i wish my metagame was yours... :(

    yup, with a solid mag deck it shoulld be able to beat most of his meta easily
  7. gengardeckwinzz

    i wish my metagame was yours... :(

    he said there werent any gallades or mags in his original post, thats why i recommended houndoom for bannete. mag or an empoleon deck would probably do pretty well against your meta game from what you listed
  8. gengardeckwinzz

    i wish my metagame was yours... :(

    T2 houndoom should be able to take t2b due to the weakness if u want to keep playing T2 and against the darkrai decks maybe a gallade cessation lock? thats just what comes to mind at the moment though