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  1. P

    Main Page

    I can't access the home page .I just downloded Mozilla FF yesterday and i had access but today i don't but to the forum i have CAN SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE . I MISS POKEBEACH!!! X(
  2. P

    Saturday, 4/5, Website Back Up, Thank You

    nice new site and i apriciate that pokebeach is back!!!!!!
  3. P

    Claydoll GE good or bad

    i used him in my prerelease and i came FIRST all thanks to 1-1 Claydol ok!
  4. P

    Tangrowth + Sceptile; Good? Bad? Why?

    ok magmortar toasts sceppy but what if you include togekiss?
  5. P

    Ruling Dice Questions

    i tried this thing you said Thou but it failed (1out of 60 ) but failed
  6. P

    Ruling Politoed

    If the translation is correct i think it is possible to stack.! of Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath and 2 Politoeds. SOme miracle maby but i think it is possible
  7. P

    Ruling DP5 Technical Machine

    I read somewhere that you don't need to discard the TM.