Claydoll GE good or bad

good or bad

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veteran in game
the much of the people use this for the cosmic power is a birch but you can put 1 or 2 cards in your deck . so it can be good but the most of the time i think you have more than 6 cards.
the atack only 40 for 2 energy is not something that I use to atack

2 for retraeat so it isnt fast
80 for hp easily to KO if you put him in for your active pokemon oso easy to snipe .

so you chose finally is good or bad ;)
Isn't it obvious?
-one of the best supporting powers ever
-80 HP (not easily snipable)
-Rare weakness
-If you ever decided to send it out, it's a free prize

So it's best when played 1-1 or 2-2 Claydol. But yeah, it's a pretty decent card. Helps against hand disruption and lack of a good starter, too.
its amazing. its the perfect card if you got a bad hand from wager, especially from losing thge rock paper scissors. i don't think ANYONE can think its bad.
I voted good, its always good to get rid of cards you dont need for new cards you might need.
Whoever voted know must not like having consistancy on thier side. This is THE card to have any deck become consistant and fast.
Not necessarily, but yes, Claydol can fit in any SETUP deck. T2 decks have not as much use for it, it really is very well cut for Setup decks as they need to keep steam going. Yes, its retreat is trash, Yes, its HP is low, Yes, its attack sucks, but why would one even care?
This card led to the death of DWD...unfortuantley...

But, yes, almost everything else is bad, but its Power is so phenominal that it makes up for all that stuff.

I vote it is Good.

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