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  1. littywitty

    'Evolving Skies,' August's English TCG Set!

    Cloyster with Passimian and Telescopic Sight got me feeling a certain way :oops:
  2. littywitty

    New 'V-UNION' Trademark Filed for the Pokemon TCG!

    Mommy, I’m scared… Take me back to 2014…
  3. littywitty

    Manectric-EX / Crobat Variants

    This thread is used for all competitive discussion on Manectric EX/Crobat variants in the Standard format. This includes strategies, playstyles, and techs. You may post decklists here, but only as a means to add to the discussion. If you're looking for advice on your list, post in the Deck...
  4. littywitty

    Blastoise Variants

    Worst case scenario, its discard fodder or you take the -20. The -20 isn't the end of the world.
  5. littywitty

    Blastoise Variants

    If that's your worry, Beach is a far superior choice to Rough Seas.
  6. littywitty

    Blastoise Variants

    Trust me, you do fine vs Mega Mewtwo. 8 energy is a cakewalk if you know how to conserve. You honestly should just run 1 Parallel, nothing else. The reason I say this is space. There honestly would be nothing to cut. Also, Mega Manectric should be the easiest matchup in the world for you; Rough...
  7. littywitty

    Blastoise Variants

    Using Jacob as the excuse for Rough Seas isn't really a valid response. Both Parallel City and Tropical Beach were not in that format, so you cannot base your answer off that. I actually talked to Jacob and Aaron Tarbell personally, and they just said Rough Seas was used to bump Silent Lab, the...
  8. littywitty

    Blastoise Variants

    Sorry, I thought you could infer the logic behind Parallel City. The point is for you to discard all of your easy prizes (ex. Shaymin and Jirachi) and just leave all the good stuff in play. Rough Seas is a near useless Stadium in here. Tropical Beach and Parallel City are far superior inclusions.
  9. littywitty

    Night March

    This thread is used for all competitive discussion on Night March variants in the Standard format. This includes strategies, playstyles, and techs. You may post decklists here, but only as a means to add to the discussion. If you're looking for advice on your list, post in the Deck Garage...
  10. littywitty

    Blastoise Variants

    Your list seems good, but some changes can definitely be made. As far as the Kyogre goes, its a perfect tech vs Vespiquen, so I would keep it 100%. But some unnecessary cards I see in your list include Town Map and Rough Seas. These slots ca be filled for a Parallel City and Fisherman. As far...
  11. littywitty

    Empoleon / Leafeon / Dusknoir

    RE: Empoleon Leafeon Im not a huge fan of there being 2 Exeggcutes, if its just solely because Exeggcute can get prized, I would run Town Map at that point, and if you add in a 1-0-1 Dusknoir line, Town Map becomes a very powerful card in your deck.
  12. littywitty

    Meta Predictions for Upcoming Tournaments

    I wouldnt go as far as to say that a deck with 2 stage 2's in it would be able to stand the format. Although, I would like to stay on the topic of this thread which is the meta for LCC, Cities, and Winter Reigonals. Most likely, XY base set will be coming out after these events.
  13. littywitty

    Rebirth of Ho-oh

    I really dont see Ho-oh getting a lot of play in the near future, if you look at Ho-oh's big picture, its built on the foundation that one-of attackers will win you the match-up, which makes for dead space which just threw at least half of your attackers out the window. Most sucsessful Ho-oh...
  14. littywitty

    Rebirth of Ho-oh

    Um, I dont think you can use laser on VirGen...
  15. littywitty

    Meta Predictions for Upcoming Tournaments

    RE: Meta Predictions for Cities When I said that, I think a lot people can agree that Computer Search and Dowsing Machine were pretty head and head as the best acespec for Blastoise. Now, Computer could still be a viable option, but I think most people will go for Dowsing Machine now.
  16. littywitty

    General Empoleon Discussion

    RE: Counter for Empoleon? Zapdos NXD, almost fits all requirements, except it has 120 HP which can be a pain but can be worked around easily with bench space.
  17. littywitty

    Meta Predictions for Upcoming Tournaments

    RE: Meta Predictions for Cities I will agree that Virizion / Genesect could become a potential BDIF seeing as how it loses a resource it can use itself while gaining a much more potent product in the form of energy switch. As for Utah's baby, Virizion / Mewtwo, I was talking to Karl on if it...
  18. littywitty

    Meta Predictions for Upcoming Tournaments

    This thread is used to dicuss what the strongest and most seen decks will be for LCC, Cities and Winter Reigonals.
  19. littywitty

    Virizion EX / Genesect EX

    Plasma Frigate, my friend!