RE: Shiny Pokémon in X / Y: Less Rare & More Special
Hey guys I've been looking had for a shiny member of the Gengar family. I've seen a few circling online but I feel like they are more rare, being that they cannot be found via fishing obviously. I've also tried to breed for one. If anyone...
RE: Shiny Pokémon in X / Y: Less Rare & More Special
Didn't know where to put this, but I am looking for any shiny in the Gengar family. I am willing to trade my shiny Steelix, so if you have one please PM me!! Thanks
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Questions and Answers
More Questions...related to my other post!!
1. Is there an option where you don't have to wear a hat?
2. Anyone feel like the Litleo male to female percentage is NOT 50/50 like I've seen on some sites? It took me forever to find a male.
3. When...
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Questions and Answers
Hey everyone! I just started playing the new games. Seems there are some nice, well-informed players on here. I had a couple questions and wanted to see if anyone could help:
1. Have we confirmed that shinies are easier to find in X/Y? If not even...
I hear ya! Many of the new Pokemon, as well as the region and why they've done what they've done with this game is really cool. I'm warming up to it as well. I'm going to start playing today, in an hour or so. We should definitely keep in touch for when we're both ready to start...
Well seeing that I don't have the games yet, all I can go by is what I see on sites such as this one, Serebii, and of course Marriland. But all that being said, my initial reaction is Gen 6 gets a 8 out of 10, for me, being an older player and again before actually playing...
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!
So can someone explain to me the Z Legendary? I've seen one video but don't know it's story and if/why that means there will be a Pokemon Z.
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!
While we're on the topic of shinies...just thought I'd share that I've only seen one in the wild. A Kricketune. At the time, I didn't know what a shiny was and was a little startled at the sound and...
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!
If that's yours or know who's it is...NAME YOUR PRICE. (Don't have the game yet though)
So have we confirmed that shinies are easier to find?
Hey! Sorry I JUST saw this. Haha yes I am! I dig your username as well. Nice to meet you too! Ready for X/Y? We should stay in touch and trade and all that.
RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread!
With regards to a question I saw earlier, my guess is that the stones used to mega evolve are not key items, since the Torchic will come with one.
What's up everybody? I'm 24 and have played Pokemon for a long time, like the Red & Blue days. Still remember the day I got the Red version and played it the whole time my family and I were at dinner at Red Lobster hahaha. I used to be a diehard what with the trading card game (I was once a...
Hey there! I think I have the Celebi you're looking for; it's the 2011 from Gamestop right? I have what you're offering but maybe you'd do a legit shiny or rare DW?