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  1. S

    I am disowning my son.

    He had earned some money and had asked me to take him to get a booster pack. We each got a Plasma Freeze pack and he also got a Plasma Storm booster. I opened my pack and it was the worst pack I ever opened, the best card was a Plasma energy.... My son opened the Freeze booster and got Moltres...
  2. S

    New player would appreciate some advice

    Thanks for the advice, stopped by the store on the way home and picked up some booster packs and got a hypnotoxic laser and virbank city gym in my two packs. My son is at his Grandmothers and although I offered to open his two packs, he declined :)
  3. S

    New player would appreciate some advice

    Hi, my son and I started playing Pokemon every week at the local game center. It's pretty laid back and we have fun. My son's deck is pretty good, and mine's ok, but I'd welcome any advice on what I could do differently. We typically go to pre release parties and add a booster pack here or...