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  1. Shadower

    The Collector's Showcase: Post Pictures of Any Type of Pokémon Collection!

    So I recently picked up the hobby of collecting. Here's the very beginning of my collection: It's not much, but it's a start!
  2. Shadower

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live] Oh I see. Well, there's no rush my friend. Do take your time. Though I really hope the latest sets up till XY would come out soon. Also, I did manage to use Ho-Oh's Ability once when it was not in the discard pile...
  3. Shadower

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live] Yeah, that would be better. PTCGO limits the 'Undo' option to one per game? Or is it more than that? Oh I see. Well, that's rather true. But it is really quite difficult for new players to get started in...
  4. Shadower

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live] On more thing that I realized that I forgot to mention before, I think an 'Undo' option would be awesome to have. Sometimes mistakes can happen therefore having an undo option would be most helpful.
  5. Shadower

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live] Hello! Firstly, I would like to thank axpendix for his hard work and effort in developing this game. Moving on, I'd like to point out that Garbodor's Garbotoxin counts Terrakion (Retaliate) as having an Ability that...
  6. Shadower

    Drohn's Pokémon Centre - (Closed)

    RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Now also with Charizard Y Sleeves, Mega Charizard Battle Box (deck) and Wild Blaze Booster Boxes! Okay, I went and Google and found out how much EMS would cost me for 2 Booster Boxes. The shipping total comes...
  7. Shadower

    Drohn's Pokémon Centre - (Closed)

    RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Now also with Charizard Y Sleeves, Mega Charizard Battle Box (deck) and Wild Blaze Booster Boxes! Oh I see. Not a problem at all. You've actually been really helpful. I will most definitely proceed to the...
  8. Shadower

    Drohn's Pokémon Centre - (Closed)

    RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Now also with Charizard Y Sleeves, Mega Charizard Battle Box (deck) and Wild Blaze Booster Boxes! Oh I see. Hopefully there's a drop in price. Wouldn't mind getting at least two Wild Blaze Booster Boxes...
  9. Shadower

    Drohn's Pokémon Centre - (Closed)

    RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Now also with Charizard Y Sleeves, Mega Charizard Battle Box (deck) and Wild Blaze Booster Boxes! I already got those particular sleeves from AmiAmi that's why. Sorry. Also, how much is the Pokemon Card Game...
  10. Shadower

    Drohn's Pokémon Centre - (Closed)

    RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Now also with Charizard Y Sleeves, Mega Charizard Battle Box (deck) and Wild Blaze Booster Boxes! Hello, thank you for the swift reply! Will there be any Charizard X Sleeves? Would prefer to get them in a...
  11. Shadower

    Drohn's Pokémon Centre - (Closed)

    RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Now also with Charizard Y Sleeves, Mega Charizard Battle Box (deck) and Wild Blaze Booster Boxes! Hello Drohn, I would like to get a quote on how much it'll cost me for the following: 1x Charizard Y Sleeves 1x...
  12. Shadower

    Rob's Sale Thread - Singles, Packs, Trainer Boxes, Supplies, and MORE! (8/29)

    RE: Rob's Deck Supplies - New English X/Y Cards, Shinings, and Japanese Stuff (3/12) Hello, I'm interested in the following: 1x Venusaur EX (1) $7 each 1x Blastoise EX (29) $7.50 each 3x Emolga EX (46) $4 each 3x Skarmory EX (80) $4 each 3x Xerneas EX (97) $12 each 1x Emolga EX (143) $6 each...
  13. Shadower

    Card Condition(s) for Album/Collection

    Technically, I don't think it is off topic because it relates to cards for your collection. It just specifies where you should make your purchase from. Anyhow, I agree with what you said. It's really sometimes just to purchase online. Only concern is that you can't see the condition of the cards...
  14. Shadower

    Card Condition(s) for Album/Collection

    I see. Well, I suppose that it's much more fun to open up booster boxes as compared to buying individual cards. Would love to do that as well. Too bad that boxes here are really expensive.
  15. Shadower

    Card Condition(s) for Album/Collection

    I see. Do you usually get them off eBay shop online for the cards? Or do you break booster boxes to build up your collection? Just curious. That's exactly the same as me! Though, I'm really particular about scratches and finger nail marks. Even some Near Mint cards that I've gotten has that...
  16. Shadower

    Shadow's XY Buy List (Aromatisse, Xerneas)

    RE: Shadow's Buy List BUMP 9/3/2014
  17. Shadower

    Card Condition(s) for Album/Collection

    That's great to know! Looking forward to purchasing from them then. The card I want is out of stock for the moment so I'll have to be patient. Though, how do they ship their cards? Wrap it in a piece of paper and in a bubble padded envelope?
  18. Shadower

    Card Condition(s) for Album/Collection

    Oh I see. That's usually what I would do but majority of time, there are always scratches on the Holo. This is the case if I buy them from online card shops. Sometimes Near Mint looks as if they have been Played. I really wish that they would ship the Holo/Reverse Holo cards in sleeves though...
  19. Shadower

    Card Condition(s) for Album/Collection

    Hello! I would like to know what sort of card condition(s) do people consider for their Album/Collection. Do you specifically get Mint/Near Mint cards? If you do, do you buy them off online websites? Because in my experience, Near Mint cards that I buy off online website can be scratched pretty...