“Heat Wave Arena” Secret Rare Cards Revealed!

Once I see some of them clearer, I might like more, but so far the only one I really like a lot is #089 Ethan’s Adventure. The majority is good, but not that surprising or impressive to me.
Just Shaymin looks quite boring to me, I like the regular art more.
Paradox, surging sparks, journey together, Paldea evolved, hell even prismatic is better bro, the arts are nicer, the pull rates are probably better (for pal etc) and it's gonna get scalped as much as prismatic and I'd take those arts over these any day
Well you’ve only seen half of the set, it’s your opinion to like/not like it. I get it I don’t like 151 so hot take as well, but journey together is one of the least desirable sets I’ve seen in a while. Prismatic is extremely overhyped and relies entirely on eeveelutions and godpacks, and has no art rares as they have been replaced by pokeballs. Shoot if you removed feebas and milotic from surging sparks it would be barren. There is a reason scarlet and violet are being replaced by new mega sets so soon, the hat gimmick is pretty dumb.
Well you’ve only seen half of the set, it’s your opinion to like/not like it. I get it I don’t like 151 so hot take as well, but journey together is one of the least desirable sets I’ve seen in a while. Prismatic is extremely overhyped and relies entirely on eeveelutions and godpacks, and has no art rares as they have been replaced by pokeballs. Shoot if you removed feebas and milotic from surging sparks it would be barren. There is a reason scarlet and violet are being replaced by new mega sets so soon, the hat gimmick is pretty dumb.
The Latias, milotic, hydreigon are probably some of the best looking cards of the sv era and they're all in surging sparks, prismatic has some of the best looking SIRs for non eeveelutions as well as the eeveelutions as well, the early SV sets had adorable story arts with good pull rates as well. I actually don't like 151 either I think that set is overhyped (but the zapdos SIR is awesome)

The reason I do not like this set, is cause people just forget about all their complaints just cause it's misty and Cynthia. Every post with Cynthia or misty card revealed got hard glazed, yes they are good arts, but they're no where near as good as some of the previous arts we got, and I'm not looking forward to team rocket stuff at all, it's gonna be mid and then people are gonna glaze it again.
Tbf both Pocket Shaymin's were ridiculously good like the bar was high af.
i like both shaymins its kinda lame we get a low quality pic im actually pretty happy with it. Regarding the Pocket Having Better Cards, are you saying you like the Paldea Marill & Shrouded HOundoom better or is it the other way around?

Anything that's an illustration rare im happy with, just love a full/alternate artwork. They all deserve love. But the Pocket Cards feel like a dis to the IRL collectors, i could name 15 cards id die for to replace other IR cards i have in my binder IRL
I was worried this set’s IRs were going to be mostly Pokémon that already had IR/SIR/alt art representation. Glad to see I was wrong!
We got electrike, yanma, yanmega, ho-oh, and typhlosion!
(Shaymin has a full art promo from XY and Lapras has a gallery)
Electrike kind of has one too. From Primal Clash. Deciding which one I want for the illustration Dex album I'm making

Also deciding whether to replace XY promo shaymin, TG garchomp, 151 psyduck and galarian gallery lapras
i like both shaymins its kinda lame we get a low quality pic im actually pretty happy with it. Regarding the Pocket Having Better Cards, are you saying you like the Paldea Marill & Shrouded HOundoom better or is it the other way around?

Anything that's an illustration rare im happy with, just love a full/alternate artwork. They all deserve love. But the Pocket Cards feel like a dis to the IRL collectors, i could name 15 cards id die for to replace other IR cards i have in my binder IRL
Yeah the IRLs of those (and Cresselia as well for example) beat their pocket "counterparts" by a mile. Ofc it goes differently pokemon by pokemon there will be ones I prefer their pocket version like the Shaymin but that's just natural after all there's a huge overlap of artists. And I personally dont feel any kind of diss towards me because Pocket exists there's no reason for me to believe that pocket players deserve "less quality" artwork like why would I be entitled to that. And pocket will last for a while so I also dont see the point in beat a dead horse every single release
you can say that about every card in pocket lol

Personally I like 151 ETB mewtwo and Snorlax, 151+BS charizard, PE Marril and sudowoodo, AR Machamp, 151 Alakazam, Blastoise, Nidoking and Zapdos, lost origins Aerodactyl, Galarian Gallery Mew, Evolving skies Dragonite more than the TCP art rares.

But the rest I agree

Personally I like 151 ETB mewtwo and Snorlax, 151+BS charizard, PE Marril and sudowoodo, AR Machamp, 151 Alakazam, Blastoise, Nidoking and Zapdos, lost origins Aerodactyl, Galarian Gallery Mew, Evolving skies Dragonite more than the TCP art rares.

But the rest I agree
mostly should be the better way of saying it. all the cards you mentioned i personally enjoy as well