Since they did Starmie V with Misty in TG of Astral Radiance, I hope the give Misty's Politoed a chance in the spotlight!
Either Cynthia's Garchomp SAR or Ethan's Ho-Oh SAR, EGAWA-chan needs to get her hands on those two!with this comment i manifest Akira Egawa Cynthia's Garchomp ex SIR
I mean, normal Typhlosion has been gone for about as long as Meganium. Last appeared as a promo in 2019. It’s just the Hisuian Typhlosion that make it feel like we’ve gotten recently.Would have been nice to have the first cards of the Meganium line in 7 years instead of Charizard's land-locked cousin.
i like it quite a bit, but i definitely think it's overrepresented.Seriously like does anyone even like Magcargo? Personally I dint really like it that much. I don't know anyone who likes it. So why is it getting more attention than some more popular Pokémon?
Hrmmm both could be beautiful but I think I'd prefer to see a garchomp because Akira Egawa already illustrated ho oh V from silver tempestEither Cynthia's Garchomp SAR or Ethan's Ho-Oh SAR, EGAWA-chan needs to get her hands on those two!![]()
Woops didn't even pick up on the available slots aspect. Wishful 4am thinking on my part (not that I would be opposed to a Starmie SIR!)Doesn’t look like Misty's going to have the Poliwag line at all. There's two empty spots in the setlist between Misty's Psyduck and Misty's Magikarp, and Misty has Staryu and/or Starmie in pretty much every aspect of the franchise.
Ya for those that do glad it got an ex but to keep giving it more representation when there's popular Pokémon getting nothing is crazy. I also feel like making Ethan straight up Fire type was odd. I think they mostly wanted to give Ho-oh something with how big Lugia isi like it quite a bit, but i definitely think it's overrepresented.
are they being threatened by someone to not do more than a few trainers for these sets??? is someone holding then hostage because they HATE trainer's Pokemon?? what is wrong with them....not a bad showing, but given that the initial reveal of battle partners was promising at the beginning too, i'm not about to hold my breath that this will be any better once the dust completely settles. we're really still doing four trainers and another two thirds of the set as off theme generics, it seems.
i do think it's rather curious how obscenely frequently magcargo gets cards in the tcg, especially lately.
it's definitely preferable for SOMEONE to have an actual color bias if they're gonna be as shy as they are about including type specialists in these. a character like gold/ethan has no real concrete theme to adhere to, so i'd much rather they go all in on this sort of thing here than make yet another rainbow theme for an otherwise directionless trainer. commit to something weird and unprecedented instead of not committing to anything at all. wonder if we'll also see entei or houndoom under his belt?Ya for those that do glad it got an ex but to keep giving it more representation when there's popular Pokémon getting nothing is crazy. I also feel like making Ethan straight up Fire type was odd. I think they mostly wanted to give Ho-oh something with how big Lugia is
I mean, Volcarona V was solid. It was paired with Blacephalon from Unbroken Bonds during that set's final hour in Standard, and it was also a force to be reckoned with in Expanded.Love the Ethan cards, but slightly disappointed that Heat Wave doesn't refer to Volcarona (Alder's?). Probably the only mon with this level of popularity that has never had a single viable card.
I like Slugma and Magcargo. I just think they're neat. The idea of a slug and a snail Pokémon made of lava is just whimsical and fun and well-executed. Here's a video by someone else who feels the same way.Seriously like does anyone even like Magcargo? Personally I dint really like it that much. I don't know anyone who likes it. So why is it getting more attention than some more popular Pokémon?
And I wouldn't say it's overrepresented. Since about fifth and sixth generation at least, Fire types tend to appear at least two or three times a generation due to how few Fire types there are, with most exceptions being legendaries, starters, regional variants and other alternate forms, which are usually subaverage, though Incineroar is average and, Charizard, Heatran, and Victini are above-average (Bruh, Victini appeared in SEVEN SETS last generation!). Unovan Darmanitan skipped gens 6 and 8, but this rule of thumb holds up pretty well.i like it quite a bit, but i definitely think it's overrepresented.
He's a changed monAftet the “Typhlosion lore leak” you can keep his cards![]()
Ya I'm not saying they shouldn't have just didn't see it coming. I figured it would've been a multiple type deck if anything. Ho-oh could've been Colorless and attached any 2 basic energy to Ethan's Pokémon but ya I like that they picked a type and went with's definitely preferable for SOMEONE to have an actual color bias if they're gonna be as shy as they are about including type specialists in these. a character like gold/ethan has no real concrete theme to adhere to, so i'd much rather they go all in on this sort of thing here than make yet another rainbow theme for an otherwise directionless trainer. commit to something weird and unprecedented instead of not committing to anything at all. wonder if we'll also see entei or houndoom under his belt?
if the archetype is looking for "Ethan's" in the name and the baby pokemon has a 0-energy attack cost it could be literally anything, smoochum, tyrogue, igglybuff, and it wouldn't make that much of a difference.If they're going all fire for Ethan wouldn't Magby make more sense than Pichu? That would also leave them with only one more fire type Evolution line from Gen 2 being Houndoom. I actually wish instead of Magcargo they would've used Houndoom.
No way of knowing just yet, as pichu and psyduck are possible as wellGyarados and typhlosion likely to get IR